Tuesday 13 November 2012

Woman's Own April 4 1959 Page 29

£4,500 (about $12645.11)? TO BE WON
LUX Baby Competition
1st prize £1,000 (about $2810.11; 2nd prize £500 (about $1405.00; 3rd prize £250 (about $702.61)?
45 prizes of a SINGER Electric Sewing Machine (or £50 about $140.50)
and 50 prizes of a pure Cashmere Twin Set (or £10 about $28.10) 

IF BABIES could only talk about Lux, what exactly do you think they would say?
On the left you have four Lux baby photographs and nine possible captions. What you have to do is to look at each of the first three pictures and decide which caption would be most apt in each case, apt in relation to the picture and apt in its summing up of what Lux means in a baby's life. 

1. Lucky me, my nappy's always Lux-soft.
2. I'd go a long way for my Lux-clean clothes.
3. But surely all babies have Lux-washed woollies?
4. Lux-washed it's softer, thats what my Mum says.
5. But I don't have a Lux-washed thing to wear. 
6. Nothing keeps me happy like a Lux-washed nappy.
7. It's a cozy life for Lux babies, I'm one myself.
8. You know, Lux matters to skin like mine.
9. Did I hear you say Lux? 

When you have made your choice, fill in the entry form accordingly. Thus, if you think caption 3 is best for picture A, fill in 3 on the entry form under picture A, and so on. No caption may be used for more than one picture. Then, yourself, in not more than 15 words, write a caption for picture D.
There are so many ways in which Lux is important to babies. Lux means downy soft, cosy woollies. Lux means soft, comfy nappis. Lux keeps thing new, even through the day-in, day-out washing that babies' clothes undergo. Above all, Lux is safe for babies' tender skins, the safest washing product there is. Lux is special, you can feel it is, because Lux is made from pure, baby, mild soap.
All these things you can bear in mind when writing your Lux Baby caption. The judges will make their final decision on the skill which you show in selecting captions for pictures A, B & C and the aptness and originality of your own caption for picture D. Enter now, you can win a big prize and have fun besides. 


1. Anyone over 16 years of age and resident in Great Britain or Northern Ireland may enter, except employees (and their families) of Unilever Limited, its subsidiary companies, and their advertising agencies.
2. A competitor may send in any number of entries provided each entry is made on a separate entry form, Additional entry forms may be obtained from your dealer.
3. Entries may be submitted on plain paper but they must bear the competitor's name and address, and the name and address of the dealer from whom the Lux was bought, and be signed by the competitor that he or she has read and agreed to abide by the rules of the competition,
4. Each entry form must be completed and sent with one top from a Lux Flakes packet (any size) to the P.P.L., Dept. C, Lux Baby Competition, 191 Westbourne Grove, London, W.11, to arrive not later than June 1st.
5. The winning entries will be selected by a panel of independent judges, and prizes will be awarded in order of merit.
6. No competitor may win more than one prize. In the event of a tie or ties the cash value of the prize or prizes will be divided.
7. The judges' decision will be final and legally binding.
8. The panel of judges will include the Editor of woman's Own, Jeanne Heal, Journalist and TV Star, a Health Visitor, a Director of Lever Brothers Limited and a Director of a leading advertising agency,
9. No entry will be returned and no correspondence will be entered into in connection with this Competition, No responsibility will be accepted by Lever Brothers Limited for entries lost, delayed, mislaid or damaged.
10. Copyright or all entries will belong to Lever Brothers Limited,
11. All prizewinners will be notified by post by July 18th, Any competitor wishing to receive a full list of prize winners must enclose a stamped, addressed envelope with entry form.
Note: The Competition closed on June 1st, 1959
(click image to view entry from)

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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