Monday 12 November 2012

Woman's Own April 4 1959 Page 32/33

Spice of Life

That Black stocking is on its last legs!. WE report, with regret, the death of a fashion that was killed by TOO MUCH, TOO SOON. The black stocking, so chic, so slick, worn the RIGHT WAY, hit the headlines, and got worn every which way-even with high heels and formal clothes. So out it goes, replaced by 'a new craze for America's favorite-the LONG WHITE SOCK; wonderful on long, young legs.
N.B. But smart girls will still wear black stockings- the right way, with casual 'fun' clothes and flatties.

·A record to get- Sandy Wilson's sensational music for 'Valmouth, with the original cast. On Pye NLP 18029 ·
A boon for bottle-fed babies-an electric bottle. heater which heats milk to the right temperature. By Dee-Gee, price 36s. (about $5.05)? 
More for Mum-maternity skirts for 25s. 11d. (about $3.66)?, smocks for 9s. 11d. (about $1.39)? Which is all anyone wants to pay  for a few months' wearing! 

a good
New development in Venetian blinds - 'Invisible Tapes' of tough Trerylene which admit more light, collect less dust. 
Here soon -or we'll want to know why -the American- two-piece nightie, soft and pretty in pure silk print. 

Spilt nail varnish on your dress? Sticky side of Sellotape lifts dry lacquer right off.
On the market soon--curtains of glass fibre. They won't shrink, stretch or burn, can be washed while still hanging up-for they 'drip dry'; 46-in. widths will retail at about £1 ( about $2.81)? a yard.
Pamper your pet pooch with a smart tartan bed cover. Made by Safari Ltd. (who also make the beds) from 30s (about $4.22)?. 
The Precious Moment she'll never forget 
LIKE young Judy Grant, heroine of our story on page eight, most of us have a Precious Moment to remember. Jane Thomas, author of this delightful story, will never forget her own. A few weeks ago Jane apprehensively entered hospital for the Caesarian birth of her baby. A year before her first child had been stillborn, but after the operation Jane joyfully saw her son in his incubator- "fast asleep, very healthy and looking like a little old man sunbathing." 
Just then our letter arrived to say her story had been accepted.  
"A state of bemused happiness," is how Jane Thomas describes her own most Precious Moment. 
·Out this week for expectant dads-How to be a Father by F. Gilbreth,. drawings by J. Spanfeller. A helpful and amusing Heinemann book at 13s. 6d. (about $1.90)?· 
ARTIST in the balance 
AT 19, handsome Frenchman, Bernard Buffet, began to paint. His strange, off-beat pictures drew immediate attention. Intellectuals hailed him as the new Picasso. In twelve years the earnings of this likeable young man have risen to a fabulous £40,000 ( about $ 112,400.00)? a year. But his latest show has set Paris wondering: the press reception was mixed and it is reported that no major art gallery or connoisseur came forward to invest in Buffet. But though some signs indicate that the Buffet boom is wavering, others show that his wife, Annabel, a friend of France's best-selling novelist Fransoise Sagan, is stepping into success with her first novel. She is working on the second.
 ACTRESS  on the way up 
THERE is no doubt at all about the future of this daring young girl on the " flying trapeze-she's on her way to the top.  For Kathryn Grant the future holds nothing but promise. Kathryn-known to you as Mrs. Bing Crosby, mother of 'Little Bing'- remember we told you about Kathryn and baby Bing in our issue of March 21, is busy establishing a reputation as a screen actress. She has a leading role in Allied Artists' new film The Big Circus. She has made 20 screen appearances since 1953, but none as demanding as her present part. Before filming began these shots were taken of Kathryn, learning to fly the trapeze- up and up she goes bringing more fame to an already famous family.
Get the New Slant
Get the new slant on the feminine look for summer and wear a floral patterned coat. . . . On the latest thing in bras- the U bra to fit and flatter any figure perfectly. . . . On the way you take your bath- a vitamin bubble bath for thing beauties. . . . On the way you wear your hat- Paris decrees at a rakish angle over one eye. 

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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