Sunday 11 November 2012

Woman's Own April 4 1959 Page 67

In the depths, they hit the heights 
*TRENCE RATTIGAN has adapted, with John Gay, his  brilliant play Separate Tables for the screen. 
On the stage, it was two one-act plays, with Eric Portman and Margaret Leighton in both; background, a 'refained' residential hotel Bournemouth. 
For the film, he has telescoped the two into one, with David Niven and Deborah Kerr as the phoney major and the mother-dominated girl: same background. 
Portman's performance as the major with an inferiority complex and a compulsion for nudging women in cinemas could not be topped by any actor alive. And I did not think Niven, for all his experience, could touch the heights in a part that demands such poignant analysis. 
But he does more than touch heights. He couldn't be faulted. His scene when, caught out and stripped of his pitiful pretences, he faces up to himself, is superb. 
Rattigan is always at his best when portraying the lonely, the mixed up, the failures of life. When you have in supporting roles players like Felix Aylmer, Gladys Cooper, Wendy Hiller, Burt Lancaster, Rita Hayworth and Cathleen Nesbitt, the firmament is starry indeed. 
Rita Hayworth, Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster stars of Separate Tables, look pleased-with reason 
*Gary Cooper is back. With a gun in one hand and a doctor's black bag in the other, in Warner's The Hanging Tree, he is in cracking form. 
Everyone is as tough as last week's steak, including the beautiful Maria Schell, who means to get her man (Mr. Cooper) even if she has to give way a gold mine to do it. The closing shot in the film is a triumph. 
A new heart-throb for the girls is 24-year-old Broadway actor Ben Piazza. He can act, has blazing sky-blue eyes, curly hair and is straight from the Brando-Newman stable. 
He loves Miss Schell. She loves Mr. Cooper. Middle-aged men of all types and income groups will derive a timely morale boost from watching Miss Schell by-pass the startlingly handsome Mr. Piazza for the rugged, middle-aged Mr. Cooper. . 
Who was Adonis, anyway?  
LET us face one undoubted fact . . . there is no subtlety about the way in which *The Jean Ettes, Jean (22), Gloria (19), and Susan (16) sing a song. But born, apparently, with a gift for tempo and 'attack,' they do make the ears tingle. 
On their first disc (Pye-Nixa 7N 15185) they bang across May You Always (good tune, this) and I Saw A Light with all the abandon of modern youth. What lungs! 
*Mr. Presley gives generously of himself with I Got Stung (no crack at National Service) and One Night an RCA 1100-and one can see why he mows the fans down like grass. 
*Gordon Macrae in The Secret (Capital EAP 1-1137) gives us yet another helping of his glorious voice with If I Forget You and Now. Remember him in the film Carousel? 
*Mary Peach gets a share of the cream
SHEER waste of effort advising Mrs. Worthington not to put her daughter on the stage. No mother 'puts' her child on the stage. She just goes. 
Given talent, some looks, a course at a top drama school, strength and the luck to be seen by the right person in the right part-at the right moment, Miss Worthington is well away. The last is vital. 
Take 23-year-old Mary Peach from South Africa. She plays a small part in the film Room at The Top. That might have been that. 
But 'someone' made a note, and now she is under seven years' contract to ABC TV, who gave her the lead in The Master Builder. 
Mary took a small role in Eighty in the Shade. Only when this charming play leaves the Globe Theatre will she be playing leads again on TV. Tennents insist that no artist working for them may televise during the run of a production. 
Was Mary wise to go into the play -knowing the rule? I think so. Working with Dame Sybil Thorndike is an education in itself.
So, dear Mrs. Worthington, you can do nothing about that stage- determined girl of yours. So do stop crying. 
Mary's first role under her contract with ABC TV was in Ghosts, with Ronald Lewis 
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The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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