Sunday 11 November 2012

Woman's Own April 4 1959 Page 69

Precious Moment 
continued on page 70
Reduce your weight the one safe way -recommended by doctors
It's a problem of excess starch... and Energen Rolls provide the answer 
An excess of starch and sugars one of the main causes of over weight. If you cut down the starch you eat, you cut down your weight -it's as easy as that. Consumption of starchy foods must obviously be reduced, but this must be done wisely, as any drastic reduction of your food can be dangerous. 
Nourishment must be maintained 
Starch and sugar are energy producing foods, and if you go without them you may grow tired and listless What you really need is an alternative food which nourishes without fattening.  
Energen Rolls provide the answer  
Energen Rolls are specially starch reduced. 
One thin slice of bread contains approximately eight times as much starch as one Energen Roll - but Energen Rolls are rich in protein to satisfy and keep you fit. They contain a scientifically balanced proportion of protein, starch and fat which ensures effective weight reduction, and at the same time, good general health. Energen Rolls are the result of over 40 years' experience in solving the problems of slimming.
Approved by doctors! 
Doctors everywhere recommend Energen Rolls-because of their low starch, content and their scientific balance which helps you to reduce your weight safely and easily-without special exercises or dangerous starving. . . 
The Energen 'Sane Slimming' booklet is a complete guide to safe weight reduction. Write for your FREE copy to: ENERGEN FOODS CO. LTD.,  DEt., WO. 9 LODON, N.W. 10. 
Slimness makes her look and feel younger! 
A year ago, overweight was injuring her health and making her feel older than her years. Now, thanks to Energen Rolls, she is slim once more-and feeling much younger too! Thousands of women like her have found the Energen way to slimness and health. 
The surest way to reduce weight 
Our Pattern Order Coupon SEE PAGE 45 
1. Cross out number not required in Box 1. 
2. State size in Box 2. 
3. State sum enclosed in Box 3. - 
Name .......................................
Address ................. ..................

From Woman'. Own, 136/7 Long Acre, London, W.C.2 

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