Sunday 11 November 2012

Woman's Own April 4 1959 Page 79

Your fate in the stars - LEON PETULENGRO 
FOR WEEK APRIL 5 TO APRIL 11 (1959). A strong element of surprise about events, with a romantic outcome for the single. Important changes shown for the 5th and 6th birthdates, and those celebrating the 6th, 7th and 8th can expect all round improvements. The 9th, 10th and 11th bring opportunities connected with home and work. 
ARIES-March 21 to April 20 . A changeable but progressive period, with the chance of a pleasant event during midweek. A special wish comes true for many Arian subjects, and a partner or close friend helps in achieving a minor triumph connected with social life. Lucky birthday, March 22. 
TAURUS-April 21 to May 22 The more you are able to keep to routine, the happier you will be. Good news for those with dear ones far away. Later a lucky break may be yours through the action of someone of the opposite sex. Saturday is best as an outdoor day. Lucky birthday, May 19.
GEMINI-May 23 to June 21 The outcome of this week will depend much on your own resourcefulness and clear sightedness. Housewives see a pet scheme accomplished. A turn for the better at work makes life easier for career girls; there is a meeting with 'Mr. Right' Lucky birthday, May 31. 
CANCER-June 22 to July 22 Don't rely on first impressions this week-your judgment could quite easily be wrong, especially where the opposite sex is concerned. In a matter of importance your trump card will be your ability to improvise. Lucky birthday, June 23. 
LEO-July 23 to August 22 The main trends are favourable, particularly for social engagements. At home teamwork is important to maintain harmony. A new task to tackle for many, but a promising outing or meeting is shown for the week-end. Lucky birthday, Aug. 17. 
VIRGO-August 23 to Sept. 22 Tact will be needed in domestic matters and any extra effort will be worthwhile. Money matters could cause some friction. An unexpected improvement shown later. Romance is indicated. Lucky birthday, September 12.
LIBRA-Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 Time may be wasted through the muddling of others, but happenings later help you to catch up with your duties. A matter which has been in doubt takes a swing for the better and for many of the young there are prospects of romance. Lucky birthday, Oct. 21. 
SCORPIO-Oct. 23 to Nov. 21 Apart from one or two minor difficulties or disappointments, the general outlook appears exceptionally smooth and untroubled. Heart affairs play an important part; many find a new and attractive side to an old male acquaintance. Lucky birthday, Nov. 15. 
SAGITTARIUS-Nov.22toDec.22 A week when things are likely to turn out better than expected. The influences enhance your attractions, and many find an old friend- ship deepening into true romance. Surprise happening mid-week is a prelude to an event that should be pleasant. Lucky birthday, Dec. 14. 
CAPRICORN-Dec. 23 to Jan. 20 Better chances to settle matters needing attention in the home. For some, this week provides a profitable opportunity. There is a strong possibility of romance growing out of a social contact. Week-end brings changes. Lucky birthday, Jan.- 13. 
AQUARIUS-Jan. 21 to Feb. 19 An optimistic and happy attitude will help you through any 'awkward patches', but you will have to exercise patience with certain of your associates. Relatives and their affairs are much in the picture at this time. Lucky birthday, Jan. 25. 

PISCEs-Feb. 20 to Marc:h 20 In spite of some opposition to be faced, you are in for a happy week. Entertaining and entertainment is favoured, and something pleasing is timed for Friday or Saturday; it may be a proposal of marriage, or a success. Lucky birthday, Mar. 2. 
An Undivided Love.... 
CHILDREN need to think they are the central interest-in a mother's universe. Their thoughts they can't express. They are inarticulate. They cannot make it clear-but they want to know that Mum and Dad are somewhere near. 
Parents who put pleasure first and have no time to spare-for the little ones God has entrusted to their care-can warp the sweet mind of a child and spoil the life to be. Children can't explain. They can but suffer helplessly.
If they are neglected or they feel they're in the way-Is it any wonder home ties weaken day by day? They need undivided love. They want to know for sure-they are truly loved and wanted-made to feel secure. 
dancing time in the mediterranean  mood 
Meteor dreams of moonlight, mimosa, the Mediterranean and you; beautiful, feminine you, dancing all night long! Your gay, glamorous little feet are whirling away in Meteor's Links Sandal; you're the belle of the ball and blissfully comfortable because Links have the cushiony FEATHERSTEP  insole exclusive to Meteor Shoes. Ask for Meteor at any good shoe store. 
LINKS High heeled sandal in Black, Pink, White  and Beige 39/11d. (about $5.61)? 
Write for the name and address of your nearest stockist to the Sales Dep. METEOR SHOES LTD· 679-691 LEYTON HIGH ROAD, LONDON E 10 
Sardines are Sardines when Sardines are Sardines from Portugal
Portugal's the place where all the best sardines come from. Have them sandwiched, hors d'oeuvred, on toast or off it-these are truly tasty fish. And truly good for you, for the family-and that hungry husband. Portuguese sardines are just the tin! Buy them, serve them, and how you'll enjoy them! 
PORTUGUESE Real. Sardine 
Published every Wednesday by GEORGE NEWNES, LlMlTED. Tower House. Southampton Street, Strand;London, W.C.2. and Printed in England by SUN PRINTERS, LIMITED. Watford and London. Sole Agents: Australia and New Zealand.  GORDON AND GOTCH (Asia), LTD.; South Africa and Rhodesia, CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY, LTD. Subscription rate including  for one year: Inland £2/5/0 (about $6.32)?; Abroad £1/18/6 (about $4.00)? (Canada £1/7/0 (about $3.79). Registered at tile GENERAL POST OFFICE for transmission by CANADIAN MAGAZINE POST

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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