New World for Nelie

Rowland Emett studies some models for the battered baggage of Far Tottering
Emett Rules the Rails
To the British, locomotive has become synonymous with Rowland Emett's Nellie, the patched, pixilated and proudly antiquated Engine No.1 of his Far Tottering and Oystercreek Railway.
Until recently she puffed only through the intricate Emett cartoons which have decorated Punch for over a decade. Nellie makes her hilariously inefficient runs through Cloud Cuckoo Valley and Wisteria Halt, touching at Dogfish Point, Watch-Hollow Loop, Marshmallow Flats and Hangdog Heath. Recently Emett sent Nellie on a Punch-drunk tour of America (where he has never been). Now, with steam fittings, domes, pistons and patches made of true metal, Nellie is doing her bit in the Festival of Britain, running all day long back and forth through the Festival Gardens in Battersea Park. Scenes from New World for Nellie which Harcourt, Brace will publish in the fall are shown on these pages.
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