Thursday, 16 April 2015

The Saturday Evening Post May 14 1960 Page 3


IN THIS ISSUE, May 14, 1960 Vol. 232, No. 46 

4 Short Stories 

9 Articles 

Other Features 

Any resemblance between Philatelist Phil and the master of a household is strictly the product of a fertile imagination. "You stay right where you are, daddy," Phil's titian-haired daughter has just advised him. "You aren't bothering us one little bit." Well, how is a father to know that the patter of little feet will develop into something resembling an elephant's convention, with guitar accompaniment? The lesson in Dick Sargent's cover painting is, of course, that stamps and stomps cannot coexist. Father took up stamp collecting because he always had wanted to be a postman, never dreaming that neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night nor stamp collectors will stay a group of teen-age troubadours from the noisy completion of their appointed rounds. 
CYRUS H. K. CURTIS, President, 1883-1932
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The Saturday Evening Post, © 1960 The Curtis Publishing Company in U.S. and Great Britain. All rights reserved, Title registered in U,S. Patent Office and foreign countries. 
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The Curtis Publishing Company, Robert E, MacNeal, President: Mary Curtis Zimbalist, Sr. Vice Pres. Cary W. Bok, Sr. Vice Pres. Donald M. Hobart, Sr. Vice Pres. and Director of Research; Edward C. Von Tress, Sr. Vice Pres. and Director of Advertising; E. Huber Ulrich, Sr. Vice Pres. and Director of Circulation; Ford F, Robinson, .Sr. Vice Pres. and Manager, Business Department; Brandon Barringer, Treasurer; Robert Gibbon, Secretary; Peter E. Schruth, Vice Pres. and Advertising Director of The Saturday Evening Post. The Company also publishes Ladies' Home Journal, Jack and Jill, Holiday and The American Home.
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The average price of a new home then was $12700 about 2.46 times the yearly average wage of $5162. Which was about 1.99 times the price of a new car $2600. Today

Plus with the loss of your Homemaker Spouse, and with your family debit increasing, your family is at risk!

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