Sunday 25 November 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 52/53

Hair you can shape any way you like
Gibbs Sunsilk liquid SHAMPOO 
The under-25’s are very demanding. They want gorgeous hair. Perfect. Silky-clean. Easy to shape. And shining. So they shop around and try every shampoo. And then they settle for Sunsilk!

The over-25’s love Sunsilk too. They say 'There must be something special in Sunsilk. Something that lets you wash your hair as often as you like. Something clever that doesn't dry the hair'. 
The under-25’s are right. The over twenty-fives are right too. Sunsilk has the cleverest, gentlest and most successful of conditioners. It washes the hair clean, as clean without disturbing the shining natural oil. So wash your hair when you please, once a fortnight, once a week, oftener still if you feel you want to. Whoever you are, Sunsilk's instant lather will cherish every hair of your lovely head. 
*The over-25’s love Sunsilk too, because Sunsilk cannot dry their hair

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