Monday 19 November 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 60

Vivien Leighs big chance
continued on page 63
Undiscovered British Beauties
Stephanie Howell, of Warninglid, Sussex 
She designs for the coffee bar set!
HER flair for converting old cellars into gay Spanish coffee bars, and box rooms into attractive nurseries has made Stephanie Howell, at 19, a partner in a thriving interior decorating business.

Stephanie, who lives in the Sussex village of Warninglid, is a former student of Brighton Art College. She started in quite a small way by decorating a flat for a friend. More requests followed, and then one day her mother showed her oil paintings to interior decorator Roy Vickery. 
He asked Stephanie to join his firm, trained her thoroughly, and before long she was competent enough to tackle a Brighton coffee bar on her own. 
"I find myself travelling even as far as London, to decorate a shop or house, " Stephanie told us. 
"Just now I'm specializing in children's decor.
Having a sound head for business, she's in charge of the accounts for the firm. "I also paint the posters advertising ourselves, and display them all over Sussex, said Stephanie. And so far she hasn't had time to decorate her own room in the house she lives in with her parents, two brothers and young sister. 
Her love of art dates back to her school-days, but Stephanie had always an urge to live on the Continent, too. So before she went into business, she spent a year in France as a mother's help. 
"I lived with a smart family in Paris, and went with them to the Riviera in the summer." 
When it comes to boy friends, Stephanie is strictly a one-man girl. "But Nicholas is a naval officer and he's away for months at a stretch," she said ruefully. 
But with a bookfull of commissions to carry out, she never has any time on her hands. 

March 1st is Pancake day and Pancake Day is JIF Day
JIF the all-juice, no-waste plastic lemon is the perfect complement to those delicious, golden pancakes that you'll be setting before the family on Shrove Tuesday. JIF contains real lemon juice, so treat each pancake to a generous squeeze . Remember, there's sure to be a rush on JIF lemons just before March 1st, so get yours in good time.
JIF's the job for all sorts of other dishes and drinks too . . . fish, veal, cocktails, tea, etc.
the all-juice, no-waste plastic lemon
Post this Coupon Today
Dept. W6. BURGOYNE HOUSE. BRUNSWICK RD., E.14 Please send me one FREE 1/4 bottle flagon of Burgoyne's Harvest Burgundy. I enclose 2/3  (about 32 cents)? P.O. to cover postage and packing. I am over 18 years of age. 
Name.... Address....

The average price of a new home then was $12700. about 2.46 times the yearly average wage of $5162. Which was about 1.99 times the price of a new car $2600. Today?

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