Friday 16 November 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 72

Bengers really improved my " health · · ·
Mrs. S. Worts of
Islington, London, writes :
"I feel I must write and tell you what a wonderful drink Bengers is. I have been buying it each week and found not only do I get a night's sleep but am also free from colds.
"I had a nervous breakdown some time back and tried many types of tonics but this has really improved my health".
What is so special about Bengers?
Just this. At times when you feel too sick, too weak, too jaded or tired to face your food, you can always take Bengers. It cheers you, relaxes you, and gives you "all the nourishment of a good light meal, just when you most need it. More than that; Bengers is predigested. It contains amylase and trypsin, two of the natural agents that your body uses to 'break down' and absorb goodness. That's why you have to take care making Bengers. You pour on hot milk and let it stand for a few moments. That gives the amylase and trypsin time to produce a bland milk-and-wheat food-drink that can't overtax even the most delicate digestion. You get the full goodness; your system gets the rest it needs. And you begin to feel much better. Try Bengers yourself tonight.
BENGERS a cupful of milk-and-wheat goodness with amylase and trypsin to rest your digestion. 3/- (about 42 cents)? 5/3 (about 74 cents)?, and 9/6 (about $1.33)? a tin
Try your own overnight test
Non-greasy, non-staining, DDD comes in Balm or Liquid form. Try it in your own I overnight test. Simply apply DDD at bedtime to those annoying spots that just won't dry up. See for yourself how well DDD works by morning!
DDD contains no less than five powerful antiseptics, penetrating, fast acting germ killers. That's why it clears up so many kinds of skin complaints and clears them up quickly. Thousands of former skin sufferers have found that DDD starts to clear pimples, spots overnight. And it makes short work of boils, cold sores, even eczema and acne, too
DDD Balm 2/- (about 28 cents)?, 2/5d (about 32 cents)?. DDD Liquid 2/- (about 28 cents)?, 3/11d (about 55 cents)?. DDD Soap for sensitive skins 1/4d. (about 19 cents)?
"DARN IT!" (click image to enlarge)

The average price of a new home then was $12700. about 2.46 times the yearly average wage of $5162. Which was about 1.99 times the price of a new car $2600. Today?

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