Friday 16 November 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 75

brittle nails? flaking nails? breaking nails?
In just twelve weeks (the period required for a nail to grow) you can have nails to be really proud of. PRONEl, pure concentrated gelatine plus multivitamins plus minerals, in easy to take capsules and crystals, restores problem nails in the majority of cases. PRONEL nourishes nails from within, it is not just a temporary 'cover-up'. Strong, lovely nails are only weeks away, you can see improvement day by day. Treat nail problems as nutritional problems. Treat your nails to PRONEL. 
So simple to take!  Take dally, two small capsules with one drink  of the fruit flavoured gelatine crystals stirred into a glass of water, mornings or I evenings, or meal times, Convenient cartons containing one month's supply cost 22/6d. (about $3.20)? gelatine plus vitamin treatment Pronel, for lovely nails
Enquiries to the Distributors : Fassett & Johnson Ltd 86 Clerkenwell Road London ECI
Manufactures: P. Lenier &Sons Ltd London EC3
Calpreta permanent sheen finish
Choose this elegant Grafton 'Minimiron' "Anti-Shrink" cotton floral print for your favourite summer dress. It has a lovely subtle lustre and crisp handle thanks to its Calpreta Permanent Sheen Finish.
Fashion-right, and wonderfully washable. Fabric: Grafton 'Minimiron' Cotton No. 7207/10. Price 5/11 (about 83 cents)? per yard. Shown here in Simplicity Pattern 3014. Send p.c. for free illustrated folder giving details of other Grafton fashion fabrics.
Buy Britain's Cottons F. W. Grafton & Co. Ltd., Dress Department B.1. 65 Oxford Street, Manchester, 1.
When the time comes for weaning
Mother chooses Robsoup and Robsweet in germ-free powder form-Chicken or Bone and Vegetable, Cereal with Banana or Chocolate.
They are safe and economical because they won't go 'off ' and you mix just what you need each time. Simply add boiled milk for extra nourishment. Each 1/9 (about 25 cents)? tin makes 5 to 15 helpings. 

Robsoup & Robsweet
Keen, Robinson & Co. Branch of J. & J. Colman Ltd, Carrow Works, Norwich 75 


The average price of a new home then was $12700. about 2.46 times the yearly average wage of $5162. Which was about 1.99 times the price of a new car $2600. Today?

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