Friday 16 November 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 79

Leon Petulengro-YOUR FATE in the STARS  
FOR WEEK 21st FEBRUARY to 27th FEBRUARY. A year of opportunity and responsibility. Travel and romance for 21st and 22nd. For 23rd and 24th greater security. The 25th shows advancement, and 26th and 27th a new undertaking. Good partnerships could be formed with Cancer. 
PISCES-Feb. 20 to March 20-Helpful influences rule progress, and a plan of yours works out successfully. Romance goes well, and you get some pleasant surprises socially. Letters bring happy news, and someone shows you a kindness. Lucky birthday, Mar. 6. 
ARIES-March 21 to April 20-Your practical affairs are on the upgrade, and career and home everything go very well. You'll come up against one or two snags, and find yourself at cross purposes to someone, but things soon settle down. Lucky birthday, April 8. 
TAURUS-April 21 to May 22-Mixed conditions are shown. You take a step towards fulfilling a secret dream. but at the same time you have one small let-down. Try to concentrate on personal matters rather than on material progress this week. Lucky birthday, Apr. 30. 
GEMINI-May 23 to June 21-You'll have to be tactful if you are to avoid bickering this week. Keep to settled plans, and avoid following up impulsive ideas. The week-end will be a happy and gay time. Lucky birthday, May 29. 
CANCER-June 22 to July 22-Keep to routine, and concentrate on home matters if you want this to be a peaceful week. If you must make a decision, however. Wednesday or Thursday will be your best days. Lucky birthday, July 7. 
LEO-July 23 to Aug. 22-A confusing time this, with some steps forward and some back. Beware of a stubborn attitude among relatives. Later on however, you have things going your way. Lucky birthday, August 15. 
VIRGO-Aug. 23 to Sept. 22-As long as you are prepared to keep in step with others, little goes wrong this week. The family are helpful, and a meeting or some news is specially spotlighted. One career plan has a good chance of success. Lucky birthday, Sept. 11. 
LIBRA-Sept. 23 to Oct. 22-A time for caution, this. when it is as well to tread warily. Leave, things as they are for the moment; new schemes stand a better chance of success later on. You may find you meet someone and lose your heart. Lucky birthday, October 6. 
SCORPIO-Oct. 23 to Nov. 21- Bright patches punctuate this week but you may find yourself involved in a situation you hadn't bargained for. Don't be too adventurous, even if you feel like it. News that comes by telephone could bring you happiness. Lucky birthday, Nov. 12. 
SAGITTARIUS-Nov.22 to Dec.22-Mid-week activities call for your special attention, but on the whole you'll find conditions easy to manage. Relationships with friends and family are tranquil, provided you are tactful. Lucky birthday, Dec. 4. CAPRICORN-Dec. 23 to Jan. 20-The stars favour career and home  matters, and you'll find yourself shouldering more responsibility. Relatives take up more of your time than usual, but they are cooperative. Lucky birthday, Jan. 5. 
AQUARIUS-Jan. 21 to Feb. 19-A time when new ideas can be put into action, and this week's influences show you should be able to score a triumph. A pleasant surprise, connected with a meeting, is shown. Lucky birthday, Jan. 29.
Do you Ever Wonder? 
Do you ever wonder how you managed to come through? Do you ever wonder how you faced what came to you? Do you ever look back on those times of trial and strain-when you thought that you would never live or laugh again?
Somehow you were given strength to struggle blindly on. Somehow you were helped when every other help had gone. Somehow you were guided by a hand you could not see, Somehow you were able to endure what had to be. 
That is how prayer works for us. You pray and pray and pray--and nothing seems to happen; but when troubles come your way, you find you have reserves of strength -strength that comes through prayer. In the moment of your need the stored-up power is there. PATIENCE STRONG 
KANGOL - Chic from every angle
Kangora Two-Way 15/11 (about $2.24)?
Regd des No. 888047
39 Fitzroy Sq London WI 
Whatever you do, wear Radium
When he drags you out on a chilly day, wrap up cozily in this lovely RADIUM Jacquard Lumber Jacket. Wait till he sees you in it - it'll do more for you than just keep you warm. It's in wash-easy Turbo Orion and will wear and wear.  So, whatever you do, wear RADIUM -lovely knitwear and lingerie. 
See also PEEK-A-BOO for little people of all ages.

Published every Wednesday by GEORGE NEWNES, LlMlTED. Tower House. Southampton Street, Strand;London, W.C.2. and Printed in England by SUN PRINTERS, LIMITED. Watford and London. Sole Agents: Australia and New Zealand.  GORDON AND GOTCH (Asia), LTD.; South Africa and Rhodesia, CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY, LTD. Subscription rate including  for one year: Inland £2/9/4 (about $7.21)?; Abroad £2/2/10 (about $6.02)? (Canada £1/11/4 (about $4.40). Registered at tile GENERAL POST OFFICE for transmission by CANADIAN MAGAZINE POST

The average price of a new home then was $12700. about 2.46 times the yearly average wage of $5162. Which was about 1.99 times the price of a new car $2600. Today?

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