Saturday, 8 December 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 10/11

Spice of Life

FLOWER DRUM SONG Exotic musical tipped to be the gay hit of the year
Spectacular scene from a super-spectacular show!
The scene that stopped the show. The young, handsome student hero is tempted by a vision of the girl he’d like to marry, while wild dancers leap overhead
 SPICE caught a Comet to New York specially for a preview of the London-bound musical that's currently adding most of the glitter to glittering Broadway -Flower Drum Song.
 It opens here on March 24, and, we predict it will hit London with all the whizz and fierceness of a Chinese firecracker.
For our picture we've chosen the most dynamic scene of all from a £40,000 (about $112,400.00) show brimful of colour and exciting spectacle. It's the dream sequence that brought the cheering audience to its feet and stopped the show.
Flower Drum Song is set in San Francisco's Chinatown, where the traditional elders are in constant conflict with their Americanized, rock ‘n roll youngsters. Written by Rodgers and Hammerstein, who brought us smash hits like Oklahoma!, Carousel and South Pacific, it throbs with vitality and life.
We tip at least two tunes from a host of lovely melodies to top the hit parade, You Are Beautiful and Love Look Away.
and now » Instant Cooking
No longer need you worry if the boss keeps you late at the office and you've got guests coming to supper, or if the children have been difficult all day and you haven't had a minute to cook for a hungry husband. Now you can produce a delicious stew in six minutes.
Called Flavour Seals, and produced by Lyons Food Division, these meals are vacuum-sealed in plastic bags and can be heated by simply dropping the bags into hot water for six minutes all in one saucepan. A snip of the scissors, and there's your meal.
There are three different meals available, all in one-portion packs, price 2s. 3d. 
(about 32 cents)? each. 
Choose from braised steak, garnished with haricot beans, peas and carrots; mutton in meat sauce, or stewed steak and onions. 
Flavour Seals will make their first appearance shortly in London, the Home Counties, Stoke-on-Trent and Leeds, but we're told that Lyons hope it won't be long before you can buy them all over the country.
The newest eye make-up excitement is now in the shops. 

It's a gay and attractive artist's palette 
with a complete set of colours (2 shadows, 2 mascaras) for three different eyes; blue, brown, or grey. Price 2s. 3d. (about 32 cents)? it's by Jane Seymour. 
See you at art school! DIANA DAY
HOW much nicer young men are When I'm not at the wheel of a car, They smile and wink, as I walk down the street, But they just glare at me, in the driving seat!
Roses for your sweet-dream pillows
A ROSY prospect to wake up to in the morning. We glamourized a plain white pillow case with a yard of flowered material picked up on a remnant counter,
Gather a frilly border round the edges Cut out a single rose from the remaining material and applique it on to the top corner. Trim the sheet edge to match.
Hats off to Annette Stroyberg for her four-star turns:
Little-Blue-Riding-Hood keeps the wintry blast-but not the wolves-at bay.
For her first 'hood-trick' our star covers her pixie hood with the bluest flower print she could find.
A yard of cotton or silk cut out in the shape of your hood or balaclava helmet will do the trick. Finish off with a straight band cut long enough to tie round the neck. Dip hood in rain-proofing fluid for wear in showers.
to look
Ravishing as the Snow Queen herself, Annette flatters her face by 'icing' her coat-hood with a length of snowy swansdown. For copy-cat cuteness buy a yard of bunny-fur trimming, or knit a strip of fluffy angora wool and stitch it to edge of your own attached hood.
This frosting will add enchantment to your theatre coat, and give you sparkle on, starry evenings.
A frame of golden veiling is gilt-edged security for the girl who wants to glow at an extra-special party.
Annette chose stiff gold veiling; for your own party 'aura' buy 11/2 yds. hat veiling, the stiff chicken-mesh stuff, secure it at your centre-parting with a black rose, dewed with diamantee.
 Pin with a glittering brooch at the neckline.
in a hood
A black tulle cloud with a silver lining of glitter-braid lends Oriental mystery to your face. Fold in two length-wise, a yard of smoky tulle, 36 in, wide.
Stitch the edges in place. Sew braid all round hem, 1 in. from edge . Drape the tulle 'sari-wise' round your head for wear at that candle-lit dinner-date.

The average price of a new home then was $12700. about 2.46 times the yearly average wage of $5162. Which was about 1.99 times the price of a new car $2600. Today?

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