Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Woman's Own November 27 1957 Page 59

Your fate in the stars
FOR WEEK DECEMBER 1 TO DECEMBER 7: Many surprises are likely. For those born on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, new ventures turn out well. Birthdays on the 4th and 5th bring happiness and success. For the 6th and 7th, changes lie ahead. An event in early summer will give you great joy. An Arian mate would probably be best suited to you.
SAGITTARIUS-Nov.22 to Dec.22 Don't worry if things do not run smoothly to begin with. A friendship may prove trying, and you must beware of hasty words. Friday brings an unexpected development involving a close friend. Socially many of you will be in the limelight. Lucky birthday, Dec. 6.
CAPRICORN-Dec. 23 to Jan. 20 Horne activities and interests are more satisfying than outside engagements especially for, the married. Optimism and humour will offset minor obstacles. One important development is indicated. Success is shown in romantic affairs. Lucky birthday, January 8.
AQUARIUS-Jan. 21 to Feb. 19 A week which may bring you a chance to get away from your usual environment. An event or outing comes as a delightful surprise. Mixed trends come later, and you may run into 'squalls.' Immediate associates may be inclined to be touchy. Lucky birthday, Jan. 25.
PISCES-Feb. 20 to March 20 Mainly a good week, and you find more time for leisure activities and entertaining. An interesting introduction is shown. For the married, a problem is solved and domestic affairs will take a turn for the better. Lucky birthday, March 13.
ARIES-March -21 to April 20 An unexpected development may make life a little hectic and cause complications. Conditions improve by mid-week, and there are signs of a happy ending to a disagreement. A favourable time for love. Lucky -birthday, April 15.
TAURUS-April 21 to May 22 You may meet with minor delays, but find others ready to help. This could be an important week  for dealing with plans for the future. The stars smile on love, and those courting or engaged may hear good news. Lucky birthday, May 4.
GEMINI-May 23 to June 21 A mixed week. You have a chance to combine business with pleasure, and a romantic meeting could be the outcome. For many, a family event highlights the week. Social life brightens for the 'not-so-young.' Teenagers' enjoy pleasant company. Lucky birthday, May 24.
CANCER-June 22 to July 22' Your stars favour both work and domestic matters. For the married there is a surprise in connection with a relative. Success in a new venture is indicated for those running their own businesses. The young make a new and pleasant friend. Lucky birthday, June 23.
LEO-July 23 to Aug. 22 More settled conditions. A welcome improvement in the health of a relative or friend is foretold. News from abroad or an interesting letter causes excitement for many. Wednesday and Thursday could be of special significance for teenagers. Lucky birthday, July 27.
VIRGO-August 23 to Sept. 22 Busy seven days ahead.. Career girls. corne up against snags, and others may be forced to change a plan at short notice. Keep a tight rein on your purse strings, as you may need extra money at the week- end. Lucky birthday, Sept. 17.
 LIBRA-Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 A satisfying week for work, but success in social and domestic affairs depends on patient handling of rivals and companions. A special wish comes true for many of the married. Pleasant events shown. Lucky birthday, Oct. 20.
SCORPIO-Oct. 23 to Nov. 21 You make good progress with a cherished plan. The elderly receive kindly attention from thoughtful people, and an outing will be much enjoyed. An event in the family makes this a happy week for many. Lucky birthday, Nov. 14.
SOMETIMES we're bewildered when great troubles come our way. Dazed and shocked we know not where to rut or what to say. We cannot understand why such a thing should ever be. Why oh why? We vainly strive to probe the mystery.
 It's useless asking why we have to suffer grief and pain, for no one knows the answer and the wisest can't explain.  This is a world where evil prospers and disease is rife and we can't escape affliction as we.go through life.
 But this we know. That though we suffer we are not alone. Somewhere there's a loving God who Suffers with His own. Who shares the sorrows of His children, ever close at hand, helping them to bear the things they cannot understand.
Published every Wednesday by GEORGE NEWNES, LlMIITD. Tower House, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. and Primed in England by SUN PRINTERS. LIMITED, London and Watford, Hens. Sole Agents: Australia and New Zealand, GORDON and GOTCH (Asia), LTD.; South Africa. CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY, LTD. Subscription Rate Including postage for one year: Inland £2/5/0 (about $6.28)?; Abroad £1/18/6  (about $5.37)? (Canada £1/7/0 (about $3.77)?. Registered at the GENERAL POST OFFICE for transmission by CANADIAN MAGAZINE POST.

Aprons off!
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Lucky modem housewives! No hard work in polishing for you! Silicone Mansion gives you the fastest shine ever. It comes up in seconds, it stays for weeks. It's diamond-brilliant. And it's proof against finger-marks, heat, damp. For lighter work, brighter shine, use to-day's miracle polish - Silicone Mansion.
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Published every Wednesday by GEORGE NEWNES, LlMlTED. Tower House. Southampton Street, Strand;London, W.C.2. and Printed in England by SUN PRINTERS, LIMITED. Watford and London. Sole Agents: Australia and New Zealand.  GORDON AND GOTCH (Asia), LTD.; South Africa and Rhodesia, CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY, LTD. Subscription rate including  for one year: Inland £2/5/0 (about $6.28)?; Abroad £1/18/6 (about $5.39)? (Canada £1/7/0 (about $3.37). Registered at tile GENERAL POST OFFICE for transmission by CANADIAN MAGAZINE POST

The average price of a new home then was $12220. about 2.69 times the yearly average wage of $4550. Which was about 2.17 times the price of a new car $2100. Today?

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