Friday 18 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 14

tackle it together sun lounging
HERE are some extra comforts towards your summer sunning campaign in the garden. A little organization now on the furnishing side you’ll find all these suggestions simple to do and you'lI be able to relax in peace for the rest of those long, lazy afternoons. 
 The garden tablecloth that will blow up into the jam dish, for instance, is a nuisance easily overcome if you make a cloth that fits the table. And your magazines won't disappear into the flower bed if you slip them in a quickly-made addition to your chair. 
 Think of the comfort of a table that's deck-chair height when you reach for that cooling drink. It can be done, you know. One I've seen began as a second-hand kitchen table. The legs were promptly chopped down to a comfortable level; and toy wheels were fixed on for trundling it across the lawn. 
See it on duty here, with many other ideas. EDITH BLAIR 
1. Deck-chair cover, above, can be whipped off at the first hint of rain, saves trailing the deck-chair indoors.  
 Buy length of deck-chair canvas 6 in. longer than usual, turn up large hem either end and slip in crossbars of iron or very strong wood. These bars must be 2 in. longer than width of canvas. 
 When canvas is slipped on chair the crossbars rest against the chair framework. For sheer comfort have head-rest cushions like these. Tie them on to the chair frame with. tape .
2. A low table will solve the food problem when you're sitting at deck chair level.  
 This second-hand kitchen table had its legs chopped down (about 12 in.) and given a ledge of wood to save dishes sliding off. Toy wheels complete the transformation. Now it can be loaded outside the kitchen window and wheeled to the sunny comer. 
3. Tray tables with legs that fold and unfold are handy for garden meals they cost about £5. (about $13.95)?
 Handy husbands could make one out of a second-hand butler's tray using those easy to screw on wire legs. The result looks very elegant! 
4. A canvas pocket stitched to one of those upright garden chairs will hold knitting and magazines. It keeps everything to hand, saves paper straying about the garden 
5. Your tablecloth won't billow up in the summer breeze if you make it like a divan-cover to fit the garden table. It's quite simple to do. 
 Cut the tablecloth top to fit the table exactly. Then stitch on box sides and trim with a length of white cotton fringe.  
 As you see in the sketch here, a gay patterned cloth looks very gay,  gives your garden a festive air. 
The average price of a new home then was $10950 about 2.65 times the yearly average wage of $4130. Which was about 2.17 times the price of a new car $1900. Today?

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