Wednesday 30 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 2

Like many modern, wives she will care for her home and her hands with Puritan, the gentle green household soap. She means her hands to keep that smooth, wedding day look.
 Because it is made in an entirely new way, Puritan gives more lather more quickly and a little goes a long way. All the washing and cleaning jobs that soap does best are best done by Puritan. Always entrust your hands to Puritan's gentle care.
 If you are getting married between March 1st and August 31st this year (1955), and reside in U.K., we shall ,be very happy to make you a present of 3 full-size two. tablet packs of Puritan and a 32-page booklet on home washing to help you with your housekeeping. Simply send us, in confidence, your name and address, and the date and place of your marriage, and you will receive a free voucher to be exchanged at your local shop. Write to :
Department P J 3
Crosfields (C W G) Limited
St. Bridget's House, Bridewell Place
London, E.C.4
PURITAN the gentle green soap TWO TABLETS 11d  (about 13 cents)?
 "I THINK the most important letter ever wrote was written very recently," says novelist Nancy Mitford.
 "A friend had written asking me to tell her all I knew about Madame de Pompadour. I started to answer but found the letter expanded so much that I had written a whole book! Finally I sent it off to her, with a letter explaining what had happened."
(So here is the long promised letter, which seems to have expanded into a book! Love Nancy)
 That letter certainly would be one to treasure! You never know how important letters you write are going to be. That's why it's so wise to use a good writing-paper like Basildon Bond.
"I always us Basildon Bond," says Nancy Mitford "because it's good to look at and gives a pleasant writing surface."
"This letter turned into a book"
Basildon Bond suits every kind of pen , and you can rely on it to make your letters look distinguished.
Writing pads cost from 1/01/2d. (about 15 cents)
envelopes to match from 71/2d. (about 9 cents). Get some today, 

Basildon Bond
A John Dickinson Product 

“I’m not worried about my hands !”
I can do all the chores knowing that my Marigold Gloves will protect them.
Marigold Gloves are, different because they're SUEDETTE LNED and what a difference!
 They pull on and off like ordinary gloves; they are kind to sensitive skins and have no clammy feeling; they allow the , use of hotter water; have curved fingers for comfort and a non-slip crepe outer finish.  Marigold Gloves cost only 3'11 (about 42 cents)? and are obtainable in half sizes 61/2 to 10 at Boots, other High-class Chemists, Department Stores and Ironmongers 

Finest in the World


The average price of a new home then was $10950 about 2.65 times the yearly average wage of $4130. Which was about 2.17 times the price of a new car $1900. Today?

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