Thursday 3 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 37

I changed her tears to smiles
"MUMMY! MUMMY! " cried my little girl, "I’m so unhappy!" I couldn't think what on earth had happened. She'd gone off to school that morning so full of excitement. You see, she was in the Junior Girls' Nursing Corps and they were having a dress rehearsal for the inspection, next day, by the Mayor.
 The trouble came when the other girls teased her. You know how unkind children can be to each other. They chided her about her uniform blouse. Said it wasn't really 'hospital white', like a real nurse would wear! .
 I was very annoyed. The Nursing Corps had given her the blouse. But she'd been unlucky and got one that had been on the shelf for months. It had gone all dowdy grey. "Don't worry, pet," I said to my little girl. "Mummy will soon put that right. You'll be the envy of the school when I've finished with that blouse. "
CHEERED UP, It took some minutes to console the little mite. But she soon cheered up when I told her I knew Surf would get that blouse really white, really spotless. Following the directions on the packet, I put my little girl’s blouse into some cold Surf suds. Then I brought them to the boil.
BRAND NEW, that’s what the blouse looked like after only 10 minutes in the boil. Surf had restored true whiteness to the blouse by removing all the stubborn ingrained grime as well as the surface dirt. After I'd ironed that blouse it really looked beautiful. "That'll show them." I thought to myself.
SHEER WONDER was in my little girl’s face when she saw her blouse. Later the headmistress complimented per on her smartness. Even the Mayor told her how nice she looked. That made her the proudest girl on parade. She thinks her Mummy's wonderful. And I. think Surf is, for getting whites clean, for boiling out stains, in fact, for washing everything spotless.
Surf boils spotless

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