Tuesday 1 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 44

She’d never  posed for him before
Something NEW! An advertisement for Rowntree's Fruit Gums which is an entertaining story complete on this page.
Model in Mayfair Illustrated by Kenneth Wynn
 On nameplate was written “Rogers” in slender, elegant letters; nervously, Sheila rang the doorbell of the most famous photographer in London. The star model of the agency had suddenly taken to her bed, bleary-eyed and sneezing and Sheila, inexperienced, almost an amateur, had been sent here at a moment's  notice. How Rogers would welcome her she hardly dared think.
 She soon found out. Suddenly the door was flung open and there he was, in a well worn sweater and baggy flannels. He said breathlessly, "Come and lend a hand," and a few minutes later a panting Sheila was helping him heave a plaster balustrade across his studio floor. "I never knew," she thought, "that modelling was  such good exercise."
 Then Sheila changed into a whispering dream a white chiffon dress and they went to work. Roger began by giving Sheila detailed instructions; but then, to
her dismay, they became less and less polite until he was snapping curt orders at her: Look there. Turn. Smile.
 At last it was over; and an exhausted Sheila waited sadly for her dismissal. His eyes caught hers and to her surprise there was friendliness in his gaze. "Here," he said, "have one of these," and he held out a tube of Rowntree's Fruit Gums. "Taste the fruit - you need to be soothed and refreshed after being barked at like that all afternoon. Now, could you stand to pose for me four more times this week. . . ."

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