Tuesday 1 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 46

MUM CREAM DEODORANT does not stop perspiration
Safely stops body odour 24 hours a day
 Clinical tests by two skin specialists proved that MUM Cream with M-3 while not interfering with natural perspiration, stops all underarm odour 24 hours a day. A deodorant without M-3, when tested, was effective for only a few hours.
1. Mum Cream deodorant, based originally on a doctor's discovery, contains long-lasting hexachlorophene.
2. Mum Cream stops odour all day long because invisible M-3 clings to your skin-keeps on destroying odour a full 24 hours.
3. Non-irritating to normal skin, will not block pores. Use it daily. 
4. Won't rot or discolour fabrics.
5. Creamy texture-Mum Cream does not dry out in jar. Smooths on easily.
6. Gentle, safe, dependable (also effective for the feet).
Get Mum Cream today
1/11 (about 27 cents)? and 2/11 (about 41 cents ) ? in the red cap jar.

MUM Cream with long-lasting M -3 (hexachlorophene) 
Give your home a RONUK refresher ...
Every home needs RONUK Polishes for Floors and Furniture, LAVENDER Wax for fragrance, and the ORIGINAL Wax for antiseptic freshness.
RONUK EMULSION is the new, safe Self Polishing Wax for all "special type" floors; Accotile, Marley and similar floorings, including composition tiles and floors, rubber and lino.
For red tiled floors, for steps, window ledges and fireplaces RONUK REDTILE brings rich, red lustre, its longer lasting, easy to use.
RONUK - the household word for polish
for BABY'S tender SKIN
. . . for Mother's too, it is necessary to use only the mildest, purest Soap Powder, Ointment. Cuticura toilet preparations are mildly medicated to safeguard delicate skins, only the purest ingredients are used,
CUTICURA OINTMENT A mild. antiseptic ointment to soothe rough, sore, damaged skin. It seals the place safely while it heals. Ideal for sunburned or wind-roughened complexions,
CUTICURA TALCUM The finest, silkiest, softest Talcum Powder there is! Delicately perfumed and mildly medicated. it is ideal after the bath and helps prevent nappie-rash.
CUTICURA SOAP Mild as milk, pure as can be, delicately medicated its copious. fragrant lather cleanses thoroughly without irritation, Careful Mothers think no other soap is good enough for Baby,

A smart girl, my wife...
 When she asked me to buy some Clippers, I was surprised how inexpensive they were and, after fitting them in a jiffy, how smart they looked, too!
 Now my wife finds stair cleaning almost a pleasure, for Clippers harbour no dust, can't work out of position, the carpet's held firm and moving it to save wear is easy. . .
THANKS TO Clippers
 Equally suitable for full-width carpets.
*Available from Furnishing Stores & Ironmongers.
Free leaflet on request to
A woman's most personal purchase. . .
 It means so much to be sure. That's why more and more women choose Mene. They know that quality counts. They know they can rely on these towels for super-soft comfort and complete security, for women have proved that, size for size, no other towel has greater absorbency than Mene. They are scientifically designed and made from the finest materials with moisture-proof backs. Hygienically packed Mene Towels are available in five sizes
For comfort and security Mene regd.
Also makers of MENEX soluble towels


The average price of a new home then was $10950 about 2.65 times the yearly average wage of $4130. Which was about 2.17 times the price of a new car $1900. Today?

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