Sunday 27 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 5

Glamour-job girl chooses Pin-Up - it waves in 15 minutes!
“A top photographer’s secretary has got to look smart,” says KATHLEEN SCALES
 “AS YOU CAN IMAGINE, a secretary to a fashionable photographer has to look as attractive as possible at all times," says Kathleen Scales, Secretary to Anthony Buckley, the famous London photographer. "I'm always on show meeting Mr. Buckley's famous Clients, visiting exclusive fashion houses with him. So I don’t have much time to spare that's why I have a Pin-Up home perm. It's so quick (only 15 minutes waving time) the whole job is done in 3 hours or less. And the results are splendid, lovely soft curls right from the start." 
 Yes, your hair can look as shining and glamorous as a top-flight secretary's. Just give yourself a Pin-Up tonight. Only 15 minutes waving time! 
 Next morning, see how the curls fall into place it's the new curl-conditioner in Pin-Up that makes them so beautifully glossy and obedient! Long-lasting curls, too Pin-Up's special finishing lotion makes sure curls stay curly! 
                         SUITS ALL TYPES OF HAIR 
        says the friend who lends a hand 
 “Pin-Up gives a soft, shining wave to everyone’s hair no matter what its texture," says a home perm enthusiast who often lends her friends a hand with their home perms. "And there's never any of that 'just-permed' look because Pin-Up's got a conditioner in it. The curls are glossy and easy to manage right from the start." 
 For free help and advice on your hair problems, write to the 
Jane Lindsay Advisor Bureau, 449 London Road, Isleworth, Middlesex.
Full head size (60 curls) 8/2 ( about $1.14)
End curl  size (30 curls) 5/ ( about  70 cents)
The average price of a new home then was $10950 about 2.65 times the yearly average wage of $4130. Which was about 2.17 times the price of a new car $1900. Today?

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