Friday 25 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 7

Personally Yours
Palace staff move. Dreamboat for two. With husband Carl as navigator, Jane Anthony steers their floating home into safe harbour."Magazine" On the air-Meet Jane Gray, she broadcasts a daily woman's hour with a difference!

QUEEN MARY'S old home, Marlborough House, still stands deserted. But the nearby mews; which used to house her stately cars, is once again bustling with activity. For the Queen has decided the mews should be made into homes for some of her Palace staff. So carpenters and painters have been busy transforming the once dreary rooms into modem flats. 
Moved In Already. Margaret Macdonald, the Queen's personal dresser, has moved into one of the flats. She shares it with her mother, who's left home in the Black Isle, on Scotland's East Coast, to join her elder daughter in London. Younger daughter Ruby, who is Princess Margaret's dresser, and her husband a former Buckingham Palace footman live next door. 
Chef At Home. Royal chef Ronald Aubrey is installed in Marlborough Mews, too. He and his pretty wife had a house in a London suburb. But living nearer the Palace, where Aubrey often works until late at night, is much more convenient. Incidentally, Mrs. Aubrey hates her husband coming into her kitchen while she's cooking, "Our opinions clash” she explains. But being married to a famous chef has advantages. When friends come to dinner, Ronald often gets the meal. And his wife relaxes-after all, it's bound to be fit for a queen.
Dreamboat. As you can plainly see from the photograph above, WOMAN author Jane Anthony is quite at home at the helm. 
 In fact, the yacht she's steering is her home. It helped to inspire Dreamboat, her short story starting on page15 Jane and husband Carl bought the boat last year. Sailed her up the Thames from Whitstable, Kent. Steering under Chiswick Bridge was the most nerve-racking part of their maiden voyage. Jane admits: "I thought either bridge or boat would never be the same again ! " On The Move. Jane and Carl recommend their solution to the housing problem for anyone who loves privacy, hates noise and draughts.  And if they feel like a change of scenery " Richmond's our goal, when we can find a suitable mooring," says Jane-moving is no problem. It's, literally, plain sailing. 
Radio "Magazine" We've had an interesting letter from WOMAN reader Jane Gray pictured below on the left. An Ealing girl, she married a Canadian in 1919 and went to live in Ontario!' "When I realized there were no women on the air there I applied for an audition," she told us.  It led to thirty years of unique broadcasting from every city in Canada. Strays And Swaps. Mrs. Gray broadcasts for an hour every day. She mentions lost and found animals, announces birthdays, gives news of local events, advises the perplexed and runs a "swap" corner anything from cradles to stuffed moose heads! She often reads items from WOMAN, too. Vivien Hill, bets listening figures would leap if this kind of woman's hour, was included in regional programmes here. Don't you agree? 
Home Made. Charming American film star Carole Mathews models our A-line tent jumper on page 24. And when WOMAN knitting editor Lois Greenwall admired her chased metal earrings, Carole said proudly: "I made them myself: Seems she's an accomplished silversmith. Has a little workshop at home in Hollywood where she creates nearly all her own jewellery. What a sensible “do-it-yourself” hobby, especially for a film star ! 
WATERTIGHT WITH PERFECT COMFORT See the magic inner rim! It keeps hair done dry through swimming and diving. Comfortable,  flattering. 3 sizes. White and 7 colours. 
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The average price of a new home then was $10950 about 2.65 times the yearly average wage of $4130. Which was about 2.17 times the price of a new car $1900. Today?

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