Thursday 7 February 2013

Woman November 28 1959 Page 69

 Mary Bravender 
Humphrey cartoon by  Tim © 1959 Copper Features (click image to enlarge and view)
You can make PORK, PASTIES
for about 5d each!
(about 4)?
They're extra good. You can really taste that pork in these home made pork pasties. The secret? Unox, of course. It's all that lovely pork in Unox that makes it so good, so different from ordinary luncheon meat.
 When you want a real meal thats filling, as well as delicious, have Unox Have cold Unox in salads, sandwiches, packed lunches. Hot Unox fried in golden brown slices with Chips and peas. Have Unox PORK PASTIES, hot or cold.
PORK PASTIES need 12 oz. of your good short pastry and a 12 oz. can of Unox a small prated onion, a teaspoonful of Worcester sauce and seasoning.
  Chop the Unox. and mix with grated onion, sauce and seasoning. Roll out the pastry thinly and make 8 circles. cutting in rounds about 51/2". Divide the filling equally between the circles, fold over the pastry, damping the edges so as to get a good seal. Flute the edges, brush with milk or beaten egg and bake for about 20 minutes at Mark 7 (425'). Isn't that easy?
Taste that pork in UNOX
Unox Pork luncheon Meat

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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