Saturday 16 March 2013

Woman November 28 1959 Page 15

Mary Bravender
continued on page 53
How its done by ANGELA TALBOT
My neighbour’s daughter sometimes baby sits for us. I've offered to pay her but she refuses to accept money. I would feel much happier about asking her this favour if she would take something. How can I solve the awkward problem?
 Obviously the girl is shy about accepting money, but if you were to buy her a small gift now and then a silk scarf, box of hankies or some nice soap, she would probably be delighted and would accept with great pleasure.
Restaurant manners
What do I do if I am being taken out to lunch in a restaurant with people I don't know well, and I'm given a plate which is not quite clean?
 Your host will probably notice and ask the waiter to change it. If not, unless the plate is really dirty, best just to ignore it.
 If it really puts you off your lunch, ask your host if he would ask the waiter for a clean one for you.
If you want free advice and help on practically any problem from housing to hire purchase, go to the Citizens Advice Bureau. There is one in nearly every town, several in big towns 
Personal cards
My son wants to stencil his own Christmas cards this year. He has spent a long time on his design and would like to send the same picture to all his friends. . Would this be considered wrong?
 Not at all. Many people send identical cards to all their friends, and one designed by the sender is sure to give special pleasure.
Bank facilities
Am I right in thinking you can deposit personal papers such as insurance policies, marriage lines, house purchase documents and wills in your bank without charge
 Quite right. You can deposit any valuables with your bank in a deed box or sealed parcel and have access to it at any time during banking hours. This applies only to a full or conventional account, and not to personal cheque accounts.
Caviare is served with hot toast, butter, lemon Juice. Squeeze lemon over caviare; butter toast with small knife. Pile caviare on toast, a mouthful at a time
The wrong day?
An acquaintance whom I do not know well, asked me to lunch. When I arrived at her house on the date fixed. I found there was no one at home.
Should I have telephoned her to see if I had made a mistake?
 You could have telephoned her, or written a note saying you wanted to check the date. She might then have discovered her mistake or if the mistake had been yours, no harm could have been done.
Do I write the report?
The secretary of our Youth Club was away at our last meeting, so I offered to take down notes of the business for her.
Ought I to write the report in the minute book, or hand the book back to her with my notes?
 As your secretary was absent from only one meeting, the minute book should be returned to her with the notes attached.
 Secretaries usually have their own particular style and prefer to read minutes written by themselves.
*Can I advise you? Write to me, ANGELA TALBOT. at 189 High Holborn, London. W.C.1. and please don't forget a stamped envelope for reply .
Road courtesy
I have just passed my driving test and am anxious to do the correct thing. If a man at a cross roads signals me to go first, is it necessary to thank him?
 Certainly. Any courtesy shown by other drivers should be acknowledged. It is not necessary to take your eyes off the road. Just raise your hand to indicate your thanks.
Party wear
Is it essential to wear a hat and gloves at a cocktail party?
 It's usual to dress semi-formally for a cocktail party, but whether or not you wear a hat and gloves is a matter of personal taste.
What is the meaning?
What does it mean when two dots are placed over one of the letters in a word?
 This is known as diaeresis, pronounced dy-er-re-sis with the accent on er. The two dots mark the division of one syllable into two, as in Noel. They are placed over the second of two vowels indicating that they are to be sounded separately.
 A quarrel always hurts two people-even when blame is not equally shared. One young couple told me their happy solution to the sometimes hard task of making-up. Just a simple: "I'm sorry if you are." I think it would . be a stony-hearted partner who did not respond!

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