Friday 22 March 2013

Woman November 28 1959 Page 5

Gift Express, Train and passengers are speedily made from film spools
. The Royal Look: How It's Achieved . £500 Contest Result . Stars' Children Film
BEHIND the constantly pin neat appearance of any Royal lady on tour here or abroad lies quite a bit of advance organization.
 Early on, hosts at each stopping place are asked to lay on ironing facilities. If possible, an overnight laundry service is arranged, too.
No Creases
  As well as ensuring the Royal traveller's perfect appearance, personal staff help ladies in waiting and other members of the party to look equally immaculate.
 Travelling irons cope with clothes’ last minute creases, as official engagements often involve three complete changes a day all round, they're kept busy.
Laundry Help 
 A laundry in North London takes over some washing chores when the Queen is at Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle. Its vans may often be seen calling at both places.
 But 1960 laundry lists won't include Royal baby clothes; these are hand washed by nursery staff.
Junior Gift
 Hand-made in a moment is the simple toy train pictured above. Just salvage empty metal film spools or Continental wooden ones from friends who process their own.
 Each wagon is a pair of spools with their ends slotted into the longer " axle" slits of two others.
 Big and small spool funnels distinguish the engine. More spools act as wagon links.
Spool "Special"
 Each passenger's hat is made by using pliers to bend down a spool's metal rim edge for a "brim."
 Ink features beneath (on adhesive tape if necessary) and glue on wool hair. Wire or a pipe cleaner wedged through centre slot adds arms; wind wool round for sleeves and bodice.
 Skirt each doll in gay scraps. 
Then the spool "special" will be ready to puff proudly on to someone's Christmas horizon.
Personal Touch
 Many grown-up gifts can be much improved with initialling.
 Do the job in a jiff with new self-stick metallic letters (6d. (about 7 cents)? each, 3/8 in. or 5/8 in. high) in gold or silver.
 They stay permanently put when pressed on to any clean, dry surface: leather, metal and wood, for a start.
Easily Used
 The initials can easily be used to give a millionaire touch to a car door; or they'll spell out names on front doors and make up other signs.
 Their smaller size has even saved WOMAN art department a job this week by providing this page's heading, just so that you can see how the letters look.
Airborne Greeting
 Film star Tony Curtis also believes in the personal touch.
 A little extra he arranged for wife Janet Leigh's birthday was an aeroplane circling the house towing a sixty-foot banner lettered with "Happy birthday, Janet."
 Honestly, we'd have preferred a nice quiet telegram; wouldn't you?
£500 Contest Result
 In WOMAN'S popular "Perfect House" competition last month, readers were given a list of  twenty-four household items and invited to select  any twelve that would best combine to make a young couple's future home ideal for modem living.
 Well, two entrants submitted all correct lists and so share the £500 (about $1405.00)? prize. They're Grace Parkinson of Wonersh, Guildford, Surrey, and Christilly L. Burt, of Niton, near Ventnor, Isle of Wight who win £250 (about $702.50)? each. Congratulations to them
Winning Selection
 Here is their winning selections (numbers refer to items' position in the original list of twenty-four):
 Built-in dining comer in kitchen, 2; central heating, 3; extra downstairs lavatory cloakroom, 8; french windows to garden, 10; fitted kitchen, 11; garage, 12; immersion heater, 15; insulated loft, 16; large drying cupboard, 17; spacious built-in cupboards, 21; strip or parquet flooring, 22; and washbasins in bedrooms, 24.
All In The Act!
 Nicky and Jacky Wisdom play their first film parts in Father's "Follow A Star"
Junior Wisdom
 A surprise windfall recently arrived for Nicky, Norman Wisdom's six year old son: super football boots!
 Nicky earned them by playing a walk-on role in his father's new film, Follow A Star, to be seen next month.
 If a pleasant afternoon at the studios will mean more sports gear, Nicky's keen on a screen career!
Nervous Norman
  Bu Norman included his son and four year old daughter Jacky only for fun. In fact, jacky didn't even know she was being filmed.
 Did we say fun? It wasn't for Father: while his children were acting, the usually nerveless Norman began biting his nails in an agony of anxiety.
 All went well, but parents with school plays looming near (a mum we know had to endure seeing her cherub child sneeze his way solidly through a Nativity tableau last December!) will sympathize.
No Hiding Place
 Public gardens in Geneva have a neat line in litterboxes: hollow tree stumps artistically cast in concrete, the untidiest person can't resist poking paper down the regularly emptied" knot-holes."
 Only locals disenchanted with the whole idea are nut-storing squirrels:
FACT 1: Tampax internal sanitary protection was invented by a doctor for the benefit of all women, married or single. And, you're no exception!
FACT 2: Millions of women all over the world already use Tampax! Why shouldn't you?
FACT 3: Tampax does away With chafing, bulging pads, with twisting belts; with telltale odour. Makes users less conscious of time-of-the-month. Why not you?
FACT 4: Nothing could be daintier than Tampax. So simple to insert, change, dispose of! Your fingers never need to touch it. And carrying "spares" is no problem. Think how much you could enjoy these benefits!
FACE UP TO THE FACTS! Tampax is by far the better way, the nicer way, the modem way! Give it a trial, this very month, and you'll never want to use anything else!
ASK FOR TAMPAX at any chemists or drapers. Available in two absorbencies, Regular and Super, to meet personal needs.
Regular TAMPEX
Invented by a doctor now used by millions of women
If you'd like a sample (in plain wrapper) just send name, address and 5d. (about 6 cents)? in loose stamps to The Nurse, Dept. S 53, Tampax Limited, Havant, Hants.

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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