Wednesday 3 April 2013

Woman July 7 1956 Page 63

click Vision Of Love for the full story
your star guide by CLARISSA LYNN


Sun Subjects (July 22-August 21)
A determination to get ahead is quite justified this week. You may have to take the lead at home. The younger girl should have a busy social diary to keep towards the weekend, with a possible outdoor engagement in store 

Moon Subjects (June 21-July 21)
Don't daydream! It will affect not only yourself but also someone close. Avoid speaking too freely during one casual meeting. Care is needed with money. You will be glad to undertake one unexpected household responsibility 

Mercury Subjects (May 21-June 20; August 22-September 22) .
An opportunity to travel will be shared by a friend. Your ingenuity will add something extra to one project. A chat with an older acquaintance will lead to a surprise. A good week for social activity or important decisions 

Venus Subjects (April 21-May 20; September .23--October 22)
You'll find pleasure outside the home circle. A friend will give much needed encouragement, and you will tackle a job with gusto. Something will irritate you, much to a male friend's surprise. You can expect exciting romantic news 

Mars Subjects (March 21-April20; October 23-November 22)
An unusual opening will come to the business girl, and the reward will be worth any extra effort. Romance leads to happy short trips. A welcome verbal invitation is extended to the housewife 

Jupiter Subjects (November 23-December 20; February 19- March 20) .
Now your perseverance brings its reward. An unforeseen treat is likely. The younger girl will have something on her mind over the weekend, new romance, perhaps? For the older woman, . happy visits to friends near and dear 

Saturn and Uranus Subjects (December 21-January 19; January 20- February18)
Busy week for most. A new approach to one problem brings success. Home tasks should be tackled now. A slightly different weekend than expected and the unattached girl will meet excitement 

Anniversaries on the 8th and 9th can expect a carefree year. More variety for the 10th and 11th, with surprise changes for the 12th and 13th. Great joy in store for the 14th
“Do you still wish to wait for your friend, Madam!"
NO, HE WON'T COME. It was silly to pretend that he would. He hadn't been here for a week now. He must have found another restaurant, perhaps he had already forgotten this little place that had meant so much to them both.
It was here they met. It was here, one unforgettable evening, that she had thought he was going to propose. Now she is torturing herself, waiting for the door to open, waiting for the man who will never come here again. She will never know why. He was too shy, too kind, perhaps, to tell her the truth.
It was something so simple. The stale taste in her mouth in the mornings should have told her what it was bad breath. Against such a handicap; beauty and charm count for nothing. It was this that had destroyed the love of the man she is waiting for, here in the futile loneliness of a crowded restaurant.
While we sleep, tiny food particles decay in the crevices of teeth and gums, and give off a pungent odour. This bad breath can last right through the day if it is not dealt with.
Mentasol Toothpaste solves this problem. Mentasol contains odour killing chlorophyll. It reaches remote danger spots, corners and crevices in gums and teeth, and counteracts organic putrefaction that leads to mouth odour. Within seconds, bad breath is stopped, and stopped for hours.
Brush your teeth with Mentasol Chlorophyll Toothpaste. It will help to keep your whole mouth fresh, clean and healthy. 

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