Thursday 16 April 2015

The Saturday Evening Post May 14 1960 Page 4

continued on page 6
flexible vinyl nylon-reinforced full-flow couplings 

That's what a Borden hose is made of! 

Only quality vinyl will do for Borden hose. As if that weren't enough, it's made still better by reinforcing with tough, braided nylon. Then full-flow couplings are tightly fitted to each end. 
What's all this precision and care get you? Extraordinary garden hose, probably the best made in America today. It's rugged, yet flexible; light but virtually indestructible. What a pleasure to use! 
You'll find Borden hose in a full range of lengths and inside diameters. Look. for it wherever hose is sold. 

Borden’s REINFORCED GARDEN HOSE FLEXIBLE FULLY GUARANTEED its absolutely extra Bordenary ELMER ©The Borden Company 

Gambler's Eyes 

Dear Sirs: 
From GAMBLER'S GIRL [by William Heuman, Mar. 26] first paragraph: "They were the eyes of a man who could sit on your chest and calmly cut out your heart, and smile all the way through the operation." 
A neat trick, even if he didn't smile. Far as I read. 
Bethesda, Md. 

·Heuman admits the operation would require" some rather remarkable gymnastics." But cartoonist Leo Hershfield, a chronic punster, suggests a possibility (see drawing below) which may get Heuman off the hook.-ED. 

He Admits He's Biased 

Dear Sirs: 
It was with great pleasure I read George Allen's article [My FRIEND THE PRESIDENT, Apr. 9]. It's about time somebody spoke up for Ike, and I think it is a tribute to his real and genuinely warm personality. . . that it was finally a Democrat who had the initiative and courage to do it. 
Kansas City, Mo. 

Dear Sirs: 
You have given us the views of the President's best friend. Now let us hear from his worst I appreciate that that will not be an easy selection as they are legion. 
San Diego, Calif. 

Dear Sirs: 
Your article. . . is a gross absurdity. President Eisenhower is neither a great man, a great President nor even a great politician. . . . He got into office. . . on a slogan-"I like Ike"-which a dumb populace parroted without facts or reason. 
Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Sirs: 
The article is a slander to the late and great Senator Taft. 
  1. K. MARTIN 
Waco, Tex. 

Dear Sirs: 
Have had enough of George Allen. I want a new court jester. If I can find a candidate that promises to keep Allen out of the White House, that will be my man. 
  1. L. BRADLEY 
Seattle, Wash. 

Dear Sirs: 
Thank you, thank you for publishing an article that openly and courageously announces that "there will be no taint of objectivity" in it. "Taint" is the right word; it is what we are all sick of. Thank God for an honest, unapologized-for opinion and some plain, unvarnished, old-fashioned enthusiasm. 
Ada, Ohio 

Alarm on the Farm 

Dear Sirs: 
I want to congratulate The Post for publishing THE FARMER'S SIDE OF THE CASE by Mary Conger [Apr. 9]. . . . I was almost convinced that no metropolitan editor was aware of the true farm picture or would dare publish it if he did know. 
Tangent, Oreg. 

Dear Sirs: 
It's like having a bear by the tail-you can't hang on and you're afraid to let go. I am fifty-nine, and there is no future in farming for me, my wife and son. We have done as the Congers have done- borrowed and gone without-[but] there is less and less of real value left each year. 
St. Johns, Mich. 

Dear Sirs: 
We farmers don't want sympathy, but we do want understanding and, as Mary Conger so aptly phrased it, "We don't like to be accused of being greedy or of being tax-eating parasites." 
Fremont, Nebr. 

Dear Sirs:
My heart bleeds for Mrs. Conger. Of course, I don't exactly understand what point she is trying to make, unless it is that the remainder of the population should be taxed to support her family in the manner to which they have become accustomed. Or maybe she would like for us to station a congressman at her gate to see that no one lets the cows out. 
She and her husband continue to increase their land holdings, having a nice number of acres already. . . . If I had even seven acres of land, much less 700, I would be very happy. . . . 
This increasing dependence on government, particularly by the farmers, is surely leading to disaster. 
Corpus Christi, Tex. 

Dear Sirs: 
"We have had a busy, happy life on our farm," Mrs. Conger admits, almost as an afterthought. You can't ask for much more than that, can you? . . . 
The most frightening admission of the whole article is that they are afraid of a free economy, the same free economy that enabled the Congers to . . . rise above the bare-subsistence level that is the lot of most of the rest of the world. 
Dishman, Wash. 

Dear Sirs:
For a long time I have been concerned at the attitude seemingly prevalent in urban areas that the farmer is enjoying a vast handout from the Federal Government at the expense of other taxpayers. Your article . . . certainly explodes that impression. Many of your readers must have been astonished at the level to which our most basic industry has descended. 
U.S. Senator from South Dakota Washington, D.C. 

Dear Sirs: 
I Hereabouts a poor farmer is hard to find. . . and the farmer's daughter is still a good catch for a lucky young man. I know because I married one. 
Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 

Dear Sirs: 
Many farmers feel deep concern, as Mrs. Conger said, but we at Farm Journal don't find that they have succumbed to a, "general undercurrent of despair." Not by quite a bit. . . . 
Farm debt is rising, but assets are going up about as fast, keeping the ratio about the same. Seven out of ten farms still have no mortgage. Family farms are about as big a percentage of the total as they were ten years ago, even thirty years ago. We believe they have a future.
The outlook is not worse for 1960 than in 1959. For some lines it may be, but for the others the prospect is better-hogs, eggs, for example. 
This is by way of supplementing, from a national viewpoint, what Mrs. Conger said so well about a part of the picture. 
Editor Farm Journal Philadelphia, Pa. 

Dear Sirs: 
We do not have to urge our teen-age son to seek a career off the farm; he figured that out a long time ago. We do urge him to vote the straight Democratic ticket for the rest of his life. He knows why. 
Round Pond, Maine 

Dear Sirs:
Even now, with all the adverse conditions, I have an absolute horror of having to join the "sell-out-and-move-to-town" parade. I would not be happy without our-and the bank's-cows.
Wymore, Nebr. 

Birds, Bees and The Post 

Dear Sirs: 
I heard a most amusing story last week. The name of your magazine is mentioned, so I think you will get a kick out of it. A seven-year-old had just received a detailed lecture from his father on the facts of life, the birds and the bees and simple biology. 
The father leaned back at the end of the recital and said, "Now, if there is anything else you want to know, don't hesitate to ask me, son." 
The boy pondered a minute, then gravely asked his father, "How come they put out The Saturday Evening Post on Wednesday?"
East Norwalk, Conn. 

·Tell the boy The Post comes out on Tuesday.       -ED. 

For Shame!  

Dear Sirs: 
[Re your April 2 Post cover:] For shame! All them boys and girls, and only " one convenience." 
Oklahoma City, Okla. 

Dear Sirs: 
When I was a boy going to a country school, there was always two of them- one for the girls, and one for the boys. 
Walnut, Ill.

Dear Sirs:
Is this "togetherness"? 
Onarga, Ill

·The Pine Creek (Montana) School has had indoor plumbing for two years. Two "conveniences" were in use before that. One is shown at left on John Clymer's cover. The other, not shown, is to the right of this scene.                     -ED. 

Dear Sirs: 
If school is in session, where is Old Glory? 
Albany, N. Y.

·Sometimes the wind blows too hard to have the flag up, says teacher Mable Easton. But there's always a flag in the schoolroom.                 -ED. 

Post Picture Credits 
Reading across pages, then down: 

23-Dalmas-Pix. ·24-Sovfoto; Peter Schmid-Pix; Dalmas-Pix. ·25-United Press International; Dalmas-Pix; Gaby-Pix. ·28, 29-Larry Fried. · 31-Sid Avery. ·32-Three by Claude Jacoby; map by Center Studio. ·33-Claude Jacoby. ·34, 35-Joern Gerdts. ·36-Larry Keighley. · 38, 39-Bill Shrout. · 42-Wolf Suschitzky. · 48-Hans Knopf. ·49-Two by Hans Knopf; Mike Wilson; Hans Knopf. . ·l30-Map by Center Studio; Hal G. Evarts. ·136-Larry Keighley; from Robert Standish; John R. Wells; Burt Glinn from Magnum. 

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