Wednesday 14 November 2012

Woman's Own April 4 1959 Page 26

Of course butter's better -butter is the natural food 
NATURE provides the foods best for children. And Nature really knows just how to feed energy into quickly-growing little bodies; knows how to keep them warm and protected from winter weather and winter ailments; knows how to tempt their appetites. Nature knows how to make you fancy a little of what does you good. 
But Nature can do no more than offer you her gifts. Whether a child is to have a natural food or a substitute, is one of the responsibilities that lie in the hands of every mother. 
Take butter, for example. Butter is a natural food, every pound of it churned from the cream of 18 pints of dairy milk. How can a substitute, however good, be as good as the natural product?
Fortunately most mothers today realize what wonderful value butter offers for their housekeeping money. All that rich, natural goodness. . . yet at little more than the cost of substitutes! Few children today are denied that goodness. More and more families-even the largest families-are being given pure, wholesome, natural butter on their bread as a matter of course. Remember your family next shopping day! 
Butter is a cook's best friend
There's probably no easier way to improve your cooking-overnight -than to cook with butter. Extravagant? No, it really isn't! The difference in price between cooking with butter and cooking with any other fat usually works out at about a farthing a helping! And what a difference in flavour! Add to that the fact that butter adds nourishment of a most valuable and natural kind-and cooking with butter becomes a matter of ordinary common sense, doesn't it? 
A knob of butter makes cabbage delicious 
Fresh, tender cabbage is good for growing children. And better than ever when it's enriched with a knob of butter. For so much nourishment and such a tempting taste- less than 1/4d per person doesn't seem much extra, does it? 
Saucy secrets. Everyone knows what an exciting difference a sauce makes to all sorts of dishes. But do you know how to make your sauces up to first-class restaurant standard every time? Listen to this chef's tip for making a really professional job of white sauce. "When you've made your sauce-with butter, naturally-and it's steaming and delicious in the sauceboat, add a second knob of butter. This gives a final appetizing gloss to the look of the sauce and adds that special 'something extra' to the taste. And, the extra knob costs you less than a farthing-not much to pay for such a lot of difference. .. 
BUTTER-the taste of natural goodness 
The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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