Sunday 11 November 2012

Woman's Own April 4 1959 Page 72

Undiscovered British Beauties
Mavis Bailey of Hitchin, Herts. The Country Girl 
MAVIS BAILEY is 17 and loves it-the excitement of her first dances, her job, arid the feeling of independence after she said goodbye to school last year. Mavis, who lives at home with her mother and local newspaper reporter brother, John, in Willian Road. Hitchin, Hertfordshire, is a typist in the Hitchin branch of the great de Havilland Aircraft Company.
She works in an office with several other girls and has made many friends amongst them. But Mavis doesn't plan to spend all her days at a typewriter. "My mother is hoping to buy a sweet shop, and I will help her manage it." she told us. 
It won't be her first taste of working in a shop-she had a Saturday job in a drapery store when she was still at school. "Besides the pocket money, it was good fun meeting so many different types of customers." 
Her secret dream 
Ever since she was old enough to read the fashion magazines, Mavis has dreamt about a job as a model. "I long to glide through a room in all those fabulous clothes," she sighed, "and who knows, perhaps one day I will." 
Already Mavis has very good fashion sense, and wins many compliments and partners when she wears some of the dresses she has made herself to the Saturday night dances at Hitchin Town Hall. But even for the most special dates, she uses very little make-up. 'I think it's silly to cover up your natural complexion when you're young," she said sensibly. 
Red-letter days are when a boy friend invites her to the theatre or to dine in London's West End. "I get-such a thrill out of seeing all the lights, the people and the glamorous places," she said. "But I love the country, too-I suppose it's because I've always lived there." 
Walks to work 
And Mavis makes the most of that. At week-ends she always takes the family poodle for long walks through the woods near her home and comes home with her hands full of primroses and violets. 
Every morning she scorns the local bus, preferring to walk the mile to and from the office. "It does wonders for your figure," she smiled. "And it gives you an enormous appetite." 
Marriage is just a far distant thought at the moment, but Mavis has some firm views about it. "I want to get married at 22, to a man about four years older than me."

But we wouldn't be surprised if someone didn’t make her change her mind before then! 
A pride and a pleasure 
What a pleasure it is to polish with Silvo. As you watch, the cloudy dullness changes into gleaming loveliness with a little soft, easy rubbing.  Enjoy your lovely silver spoons and forks, teapots, sugar bowls, salt cellars, pepper pots. Keep them gleaming with gentle economical Silvo. So easy, so rewarding. Silvo LIQUID SILVER POLISH
Figure loveliness
B.3296 Tea Rose or White. .. B" and" C" Cup Fittings. 
Nylon uplift bra' specially designed to fit deep over diaphragm with generous inset of batiste elastic at front and back. Stitched under-cups for firm support and hook and eye fastenings at side. Sizes: 3'2" to 38" bust: . . 11/6 (about $1.62)?  40" to 42" bust. . . 13/- (about $ 1.93 
DAWN Tea Rose or White. Extremely popular hookside corset from strong attractive broche with satin overlay at front and concealed boning. Firm band of elastic all round top back ensures a good fit at waistline. Sizes: 24" to 32" waist. . . 28/6 (about $4.00)?  33"'to 38" waist. .' 31/- (about $4.46)?  
All About Cheese , see pages 15, 16 and 17 
Pottery mugs, plates, bowl and celery jars from Briglin Pottery Ltd. 
Enamel steel fondu bowl. wooden plate and salad servers from Finmar. 
Vanson coffee table by W. G. Evans and Sons. Ltd. Bread Baskets from Eaton Bag Co.. Ltd. 
Coffee pot from Finnish Designs. Ltd. 

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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