Sunday 11 November 2012

Woman's Own April 4 1959 Page 73

Lucky the husband whose wife knows the secret of Oxo cooking. He's the man who comes home to succulent, rich-tasting, meaty meals; Oxo meals, made with Oxo recipes. No wonder they're good, for Oxo has beefstock, protein, yeast and beef extract among its nine ingredients. 
Ragout of Beef  (click image to enlarge and view recipe)
Oxo makes cheaper cuts of meat taste expensive 
Oxo has a subtle way of bringing out delicious flavours in quite humble cuts of meat-cuts you might never have thought you could use. But when you taste the rich, savoury stews and pies, the more-ish soups and gravies that OxO" helps you to make, you'll be delighted with yourself! Never be without plenty of Oxo cubes.
Learn the cheaper cuts of meat and cook the economical Oxo way. Write to Oxo Ltd. for the Oxo Recipe Folder that tells you about the cheaper cuts and how to make your meals go further, taste better, cost less.
OXO makes good cooking bet cooking .
OXO Gives a meal man-appeal

OXO LTd., Thames House, Queen Street Place, London. E.C.4 

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