Sunday 11 November 2012

Woman's Own April 4 1959 Page 76

Kraft Superfine creams just like a dream even when cold
Cakes are light, nourishing, lovely to eat
How wonderful to find that the very best way to bake a cake is also the quickest and easiest for you!
Kraft Superfine not only gives cakes a rich, delicious taste, but it creams just like a dream, even when cold. No more chasing hard, stubborn margarine round the bowl with your spoon.
No more spilling on to the floor! With Kraft Superfine, creaming is so easy that it's a real joy. And Superfine spreads as easily as it creams. Once you've used Superfine, you'll never go back to any ordinary margarine. 
Always ask for Kraft Superfine, double-packed in silver foil and gay blue and yellow carton.
Kraft Superfine Margarine
St. Clement's Cake for tea!
Write for free recipe of this delicious cake to Mary Tracy, the Kraft Kitchen, Morris House, Berkeley Sq., London W.1
Best for Baking-Best for Spreading

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