Sunday 18 November 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 62

How much should you pay for things 
made with ACRILAN
 You can squeeze new Acrilan fibre up like and it always springs back like this.
Because nothing springs back like Acrilan
And not only shirts. Springy Acrilan makes blankets that stay warmly fluffy. Carpets that won't tread down. Things (or all the family that stay new longer.
Wear a shirt or blouse made with Acrilan week after week, month after month. It keeps its crisp, new-looking shape through countless washes .and wearings. That's what Acrilan means to a shirt.
Acrilan resists permanent staining, drip-dries fast, needs little or no ironing. It's light yet warm, soft and comfortable, yet magnificently hard- wearing.
ACRILAN is the regd. trademark for the acrylic fibre supplied by CHEMSTRAND LTD. CHEMSTRAND makes only the fibre
Britain’s finest textile - house do the rest

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