Sunday 18 November 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 63

How much should you pay for things made with ACRILAN
People often ask us this. And there’s no cut and dry answer. You see, Acrilan is a fibre (not a material, or a 'make' of anything). Before it ends up as something you can buy, it has to, be made into materials, and these materials have to be made into finished articles, clothes, carpets and blankets.
So of course the price of these things varies. Varies according to whether Acrilan is used alone (and in what weight) or, if it is mixed with other fibres, according to the quantity and quality of these fibres. And varies again with the craftsmanship and 'extras' (trimmings, linings, buttons and so on) of the manufacturers who make up these materials.
Not that there's anything new about this. Prices have always varied for things made from traditional materials, too. So our advice is simply to shop as you have always done. Go to a shop you trust. Look for the makers' names you know. And see your money buy more value when you choose things made with Acrilan.
Children’s Corner 
BINGO, the dwarf, had some lovely big jars of paint. Each jar held a beautiful colour.
"If I mix them." he thought. "I shall have more colours!"
So he poured some on the ground and mixed two of the colours together.
I wonder what colours he chose? Red and blue make purple, and yellow and blue make green.
Colour the paint for yourselves. children, and see what happens!
You may win a prize. When you have, finished, paste it on a postcard, add your name, age and address, then send it to : 'Pretty Colours' Colouring Competition. Children's Corner. 136 Long Acre. London. W.C.99. It must arrive by Monday, and only children of 14 or under may enter. The Editor's decision is final. 
(click image for their names and to enlarge)
Poised night and day
Some women seem blessed with a look of quiet confidence, a kind of sureness that's reflected in everything they do. It's a gift that never leaves them, even on problem days, for they rely on the comfort, the freedom of Tampax.
Designed for smart moderns, Tampax internal sanitary protection is invisible, unfelt, when in place. It protects while it keeps your secret safe. Protects while it keeps you poised and sure. For, with Tampax, there's no chafing, no odour, no lines, no bulk. So dainty to use, fingers never touch it. Disposal takes seconds. Extras conceal in the smallest handbag.
No wonder millions choose Tampax. Why not you? Ask for it at any chemist or draper. In 2 absorbencies, Regular and Super.
Tampax Limited, Havant, Hants.
Regular TAMPAX
Invented by a doctor, now used by millions of women. 

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