Saturday 17 November 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 70

 Fuel for the Flame
continued on page 72
You can tell she's got STYLE
New Style the instantly washable, instantly wonderful home perm.
You can always tell the girl with the Style home perm. She drifts serenely from compliment to compliment, her hair whisper soft, sweet to be near. See you choose Style the home perm that looks wonderful at once, stays wonderful for months.
ONLY STYLE HAS CRYSTAL PURE WAVING LOTION to penetrate deeply and gently into your hair, locking in waves and curls. That's why Style is the only home perm you dare wash at once!
ONLY STYLE HAS CRYSTAL PURE WAVING LOTION to save you 1/2 the time, 1/2 the work! Its extra penetration lets you wind more hair on each curler. So with just 20 curlers, Style can give you a full, high fashion wave!
The Large Style pack gives two soft 'n' natural waves for you and your permanent friend - for only 8/9 (about $1.30 )?
Small Style for shorter hairstyles, fringes, endcurls, etc. 5/- (about  70 cents)?
Children's Style for your little girl, a party treat that keeps her hair permanently tidy and healthy too 4/9 (about 67 cents)?
Style home permanent  by Richard Hudnut
Our Patteren Order Coupon
HOW TO ORDER Budget pattern No. 14,242 is cut in 32, 34; 36, 38 and 40 in. bust sizes, and costs 1s 10d. (about 26 cents)? post free in the U.K. and Eire. To obtain, please fill in the coupon (right) and send it with a crossed cheque or postal order made payable to Leach's Publication Ltd. to: WOMAN'S OWN, The Pattern Shop, George Newnes Ltd.; 44-50 Lancaster Street, London, S.E.1, marking your envelope "Budget Price Pattern No. 14,242" in top left hand corner.
Pattern number is in Box 1
State size in Box 2
State sum enclosed in Box 3
(click image to enlarge and view coupon)
For a 36-in. bust size you will need 3 yds. 54-in. fabric for Design A (three-quarter sleeves) and 41/4 yds. 36-in. for Design B (short sleeves), plus a 12-in. zip for each. 

The average price of a new home then was $12700. about 2.46 times the yearly average wage of $5162. Which was about 1.99 times the price of a new car $2600. Today?

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