Monday 31 December 2012

Woman May 28 1955 Page 49

 The Sunday Mouse
continued on page 51
Next Week
Women introduces
Every woman seeks happiness in love and marriage, yet the very intimacy of a relationship can give rise to emotional problems that threaten harmony. It is in the solution to such problems that the deepest personal bonds gain strength.
 We have, therefore, particular pride and pleasure in bringing to the readers of WOMAN the first of a series of articles specially written for women by
 Chairman of the International  
 Commission on Marriage Guidance 
 These articles are important to your private life and experience because they disclose the reasons why other people nearly lost their way to happiness, and offer a practical, effective guide to personal security, happiness and contentment 
You to can give your hair this “daily-hair-do” look
Naturally brilliant healthy hair

And it’s so easy
  Squeese a quarter of an inch of Vitapointe on the palm. Most economical.
  Spreed it gently to a thin film with your finger.
  Dab (but don’t rub) the bristles of your brush on this Vitapointe film.
Only Vitapointe gives your hair everything it needs
Oil or ordinary -- creamy preparations might give your hair artificial gloss for a time. Only HEALTHY hair can have natural brilliance and silky beauty. To revitalize your hair to give it real loveliness, you must use VITAPOINTE.
 Vitapointe is the equivalent of sebum, your hair's natural nourishment. Without sufficient of this, your hair is starved, becomes dull, brittle, lifeless.
 Vitapointe is not merely a surface dressing. It is absorbed by the hair, replacing the sebum robbed from it by weather, frequent washing (particularly in hard water), and improper or careless treatment.
 To give greater permanency to perms and sets, and to prevent frizzing and splitting, to make your hair more easily manageable, naturally brilliant, gloriously silky,you must use VITAPOINTE.
Ask your hairdresser to use it next time. And get a tube from your hairdresser, chemist or stores, for home use.  
 THE VITAPOINTE WAY as easy as brushing your hair: no special shampooing before or after. And 3/6d tube lasts about 2 months. 
(about 49 cents)?

Vitapointe (Sebum equivalent)

The average price of a new home then was $10950 about 2.65 times the yearly average wage of $4130. Which was about 2.17 times the price of a new car $1900. And the future was progressive not regressive

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