Monday 31 December 2012

Woman May 28 1955 Page 53

click The Sunday Mouse for the full story
your star guide 
by Clarissa Lynn  
for the week beginning May 29 1955
Sun Subjects (July 22-August 21)   
  Your plan to enter an important new business plan may be delayed. Instead, you will find yourself keeping quite a different appointment. An urge to celebrate on Wednesday or Thursday will probably lead to a romantic rumour. You'll forge ahead in a gay plan for the home, and family routine will be smoother
Moon Subjects (June 21-July 21)
  A family tiff will clear up if you handle an older member tactfully. The young business girl will be quick to discover a mistake in work, and a little extra responsibility will encourage. Your man will be in a " difficult" mood, and you'll need tact to keep the peace
Mercury Subjects (May 21-June 20 ; August 22-September 22)
  You'll make quick headway with a constructive task and will be well pleased with the results. The company of an intellectual friend will find you able to hold your own conversationally. An anticipated letter will strike a happy note. There's an enjoyable weekend ahead
Venus Subjects (AprU 21-May 20 ; September l3--October 22) .
  You will have to play along with romance this week and not expect too much gaiety. A small gift, though, will place you in good humour. The older woman will have much to look forward to later on. A friend's disapproval comes through jealousy, and mat interfere with some important plans you have in mind
Mars Subjects (March 21-AprU 20 ; October 23-November 22)
  In planning an important social arrangement with others you will have many enthusiastic suggestions to make. A theatre "date" will be enjoyed, and later on an outdoor engagement gives you plenty of fun. Some impulsiveness over the weekend may affect your purse
Jupiter Subjects (November l3-- December 20 ; February 19- March 20)
  A grand week mostly and your rising popularity will mean a number of pleasant engagements. Extra money will help you to plan a new outfit, and you will find a gay novelty during a shopping spree. Romance comes out of the blue, and home life is brighter
Saturn and Uranus Subject (December 21-January 19; January 20- February 18)
  A good friend will prove faithful to an arrangement on which you are depending. The younger girl will enjoy flattering attention. A gay social event will claim your presence and you will be able to use originality in a special way. Romance will come later
THIS WEEK'S BIRTHDAYS For the 29th and 30th there will be more personal freedom. The 31st dates enjoy increased activities. For those celebrating June 1st and 2nd a new interest will be exciting. For the 3rd and 4th, financial gains 

a fresh polish in the home!
Rose Perfumed MANSION Hygienic wax furniture polish
1/3d per tin 
 (about 18 cents)? makes a room feel  fresher. 

Field's the very essence of lavender
The perfume in Field's Buckingham Lavender soap and talc is the loveliest in the world. It is distilled from real Lavender, blended with Jasmin and Roses to make it last and last. Talc 2/6d 
 (about 35 cents)? 


The average price of a new home then was $10950 about 2.65 times the yearly average wage of $4130. Which was about 2.17 times the price of a new car $1900. Today?

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