Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 2

NIVEA creme for the care of the skin

How you can make the most of-your skin with Nivea 
Nivea introduces five ways to give your skin radiant health this. winter.

MOISTURE CREME Outdoor winds and cold, indoor fires and draughts, rob your skin of its natural protective moisture. Nivea restores these gently and surely. In cold weather let Nivea protect you and your family. 
PROTECTIVE FOUNDATION Use Nivea every morning as a protective, moisturizing foundation under your make-up. Nivea will keep your skin clear and glowing with health, all day, in all weathers. 
CLEANSING CREME Nivea double cleanses. First Nivea removes all surface dirt. The Nivea penetrates into the pores to float out all impurities, allowing your skin to breathe as it should-deeply!
OUTDOOR CREME Skin needs protection in harsh weather. Let Nivea prevent it from becoming chapped and sore. For men, Nivea is a protective after shave creme that will take the sting out of the wind.
HAND CREME Use Nivea before you wash your hands! Then the water will wash away the dirt, but NOT the protective oils. Care for your hands with Nivea this winter to keep them beautifully white, soft and smooth.  
NIVEA, and only Nivea, contains deep penetrating Eucerite, to smooth, soothe and soften your skin naturally by replacing the oils and moisture that wind and weather steal away. 
 Eucerite is nearest to your skin's natural oil. In Nivea, Eucerite blends with moisture to form a nourishing creme that penetrates deep into your pores. Your skin needs Nivea because it feeds the young cells that are the foundation of soft, smooth health. 
SKIN needs NIVEA, an S&N product

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