Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 3

Actress Susan Strasberg at 17, an age when life seems terrifying, but wonderful, too'
 Between Friends
 SOMETIMES she is moody and restless; sometimes she is quiet and shy. She writes poetry in secret, day-dreams for hours and goes walking by herself in the rain. 
 Often she has to struggle against sudden, inexplicable tears. And she has moments when the whole world seems as insubstantial as a elbbubb-paos as brittle as spun glass.
 Do you recognize her? Of course you do. She is you at 16, that betwixt and between age when childhood and womanhood meet and mingle on the threshold of adult life. 
 It is a time of ,bewilderment of uncertainty, of anxious questioning: Should she do this, wear that? Is she pretty, or plain? What is it like to fall really in love? Would it be wrong to kiss a boy good night?
 And this girl, the girl that is you in the past or the present, feels terribly alone. Older people are always saying: "How wonderful to be young!" or: "How I wish that I could be 16 again!
 Thoughtless words, carelessly said, words to convince her that no one else
has ever suffered, as she suffers, from hands that grow much too big when she
enters a roomful of strangers, or a sense of being odd-girl-out with others of her own age.
 But she is not alone. Millions of girls share the same doubts, the same anxieties,
the same bewilderment. And there is not
one of us, here at WOMAN'S OWN, who has not experienced these painful things.
 We, too, have known what it is to envy the apparent self-assurance of others
and to despair of ever achieving it ourselves; to worry desperately about a spot on our chin; to find the process of growing up anything but fun. 
 Our parents, we felt, didn't understand us, either. They couldn't see why we wanted to giggle with our girl friends, fought for the privilege of staying up late for no particular reason, yearned for a black evening dress. They, too, criticized our make-up, our clothes, our boy friends, and fussed us when we wanted to be left alone.
 Worst of all, we could never tell them how much we loved them, or how much we needed to know we were loved in return.
 Yes, at 16 we were just as unsure of ourselves and the future, just as self conscious, just as confused by the strange mixture of emotions that tore us to pieces inside. Our world, like yours, was striped with sunlight and shadow, and all our rainbows were made of laughter and tears.
 Because of this, because we know that it's not so wonderful to be young, and have learnt a thing or two from our own youthful mistakes-we work hard to make life easier for you through the pages of this magazine.
 HUNDREDS of girls have written to say: "WOMAN'S OWN is the only magazine that understands teenagers." Parents, too, have often told us: "You're such a help "to mothers of teenage daughters."
 Because we realize that looking and feeling your best are the first steps towards self confidence and poise, we make a point of keeping young beauty, health and fashion problems very much in mind.
 So with those who write for your own special age group; with Mary Grant to help you sort out your worries; and with Spice of Life to put; a sparkle in your eye and keep you bang up to date, well, we hope you'll feel that we really do have your interests at heart.
 And remember, we are always here whenever you need us.
Cover by Leo Aarons  © George Newnes Limited, 1960
for babies and growing children 
* For Weaning because Farley's is the first solid food that must be added to milk feeds when weaning starts.
For contented sleep, baby will enjoy his Farley's at night, well satisfied because he is well nourished.
For Feeding himself, a dry Farley's Rusk as baby grows older is just what he likes.
For growing children, especially at breakfast and supper time, a Farley in warm milk.
For happy mothers too, because Farley's really is the easiest baby food to prepare, you just add warm milk that's all, everything else, even the sugar is in Farley's. Yes, it's a meal in a moment.
for babies and growing children

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