Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Woman's Own February 20 1960 Page 4

By appointment  to Her Majesty The Queen
Empire Wine Merchants P. B. Burgoyne & Co. LId.
Free sample flagon*
Harvest Burgundy
Equal to a full quarter bottle
Here is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy one of the world's most invigorating wines.
With the very first glass you will discover the clean tang and full-bodied flavour of Burgoyne's Harvest Burgundy. With the second you will realize its bracing yet relaxing character. But, of course, the real benefits of this famous iron-rich flagon wine come when you drink it daily.
Take advantage NOW of this generous offer.
BURGOYNE'S Harvest Burgundy
For health and strength abounding 12/6 (about $1.76)? the flagon 6/3 (about 88 cents)? the half-flagon 
Fill it in Now!
"Doctor, I have a tiny lump in my groin, not painful, exactly, but I am scared about it"
Doctor's Diary
MRS. D. looked nervous as she was shown into my surgery. I told her to sit down and make herself comfortable, and tell me what was wrong. She took a deep breath. "Would you say it was dangerous to have a tiny lump in the groin?" she asked. 

"I wouldn’t say anything at all until I knew more. Is that your trouble?"
 She nodded.
 "How long have you had it?"
 "A fortnight," she replied. "But it isn't there all the time. When I am lying down it disappears altogether."
 "Does it give you any pain?" I asked.
 "Not really pain; more of an ache, and sometimes a dragging feeling."
 "I expect you find that if you cough the lump is more noticeable than ever. Is that right?" I asked.
 "Why yes!" She sounded surprised.
 "And it feels then almost as if something is being pushed out?" I went on.
 "Yes. You know what is wrong, then?" she asked, a little anxiously.
 "I think so, although I can't tell for certain until I have examined you. It sounds to me like a hernia."
 "A hernia! I'm afraid I don't know what that is. Is it very serious?"
 "You know what a rupture is, I expect, well, a hernia is only another name for the same thing
 "But Doctor, how could I have a. rupture? I thought it was something only men could get."
 "Good gracious no. Anyone can get them. Men, women or children. But I admit that there is one particular kind of hernia that is more common in men than in women."
 "This shows how ignorant I am! I did not even know there was more than one kind," she said with a laugh.
 "Oh yes, according to the position. When we talk about a hernia, or rupture, we mean that something in the abdomen, usually a portion of the intestine, has found a weak spot in the muscular wall and is pushing its way through.
Lifting heavy weights
 "But why should there be a weak spot?" Mrs. D. wanted to know.
 "That's just the point. A hernia in the stomach may occur through an old operation scar that hasn't healed very well. But the most usual place is the groin, where there is often a natural weak spot. You see, there you have a very large blood vessel running from the abdomen into the thigh, and there isn't a protective muscle in that area.
 "Consequently, any severe strain, lifting a very heavy weight, for example, may easily, cause a hernia.
 "The reason that men are more liable than women to the hernias that develop a little higher up the groin is due to the development of their testicles before they are even born, which may leave a weak spot in that region."
"You mean a baby boy might be born with a rupture?" Mrs. D. exclaimed.
 "Oh no. And he may never get one. But he may develop one later on in life; perhaps if he strains himself unduly."
What can be done?
 "Can anything be done to put things right?" Mrs. D. then wanted to know.
 "Oh yes," I told her, "there are various treatments. The best is an operation to put the protruding part back into position and strengthen the weak spot. . "Sometimes a special belt-a truss-is recommended instead. This won't cure a hernia but it protects the weak spot and keeps the bulgy part in position."
 "Does a hernia really matter so much? After all, nothing can actually fallout, can it?"
 "No. A hernia itself isn't serious, merely un comfortable. But there is danger in the possible complications. "
"What could happen?"
 "Suppose a piece of intestine got pushed through a weak spot in the muscular wall, and then swelled up and wouldn't go back again. It would be very painful, and would 'hold up' food.
 " Also, this piece of intestine might easily get twisted. The blood vessels in it would be damaged or broken and that particular section could well become gangrenous.
 "We call that a 'strangulated' hernia, and it's far from pleasant. It also requires immediate operation.
 "But now I must examine you. So far, we have only been talking about hernias in general, and I don't even know for certain if that is what you have! "
 "I'd be awfully grateful," Mrs. D. said. "I should like to know the worst."
 "Or best!" I laughed.

Dr. Wimpole regrets he is unable to enter into any correspondence 

The testicles of a baby boy develop inside his abdomen long before birth. When they finally emerge from the body (still before birth) they may leave a permanent weakness In the muscular wall. This does not mean that he will necessarily develop a hernia!


The average price of a new home then was $12700. about 2.46 times the yearly average wage of $5162. Which was about 1.99 times the price of a new car $2600. Today?

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