Tuesday 22 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 10

One fine Day!
Stroll the quiet hills where-the warmest winds linger, 

Pedal a bike along may-scented lanes,

Lie on the seashore and dabble a finger 

In each sun-drenched rock-pool (well, not if it rains).

Wear your new bonnet all brimming with flowers,

The rose-printed gown that no man can forget, 

Sandals which keep your feet happy for hours,  

And carry your sunshade (well, not if it’s wet).  

Let's have a great Whitsun, a rollicking playtime,

Wearing our gladdest rags,faces a shine, 

It's summer, remember, the pink and white maytime-

But gosh! won't it if help the weather is fine.

 by Mary Carn

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