Tuesday 22 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 11

The prettiest look this summer is casual and and carefree. . . but it's one that must be carefully planned, says HELEN TEMPLE 
the holiday look
“I'M going to spend a fortnight at a holiday camp near the sea," said Anne. "It's a big camp with lots of social life, so I do want to look nice and tidy. 
 "I'd like you to recommend a really strong type of perm, Helen. If I have that just before I go, and take plenty of grips, my hair should keep in place. And I'm sure you can tell me of a make-up that will stay put; something a bit heavier than I'm wearing now, I suppose." 
 I realized Anne had a lot to learn, 'Playing for time, I remarked that she was obviously very clever with her hair, which was carefully arranged in a curled, medium-length style,
 She was ingenious with make-up, too, Her skin had that non transparent, porcelain-smooth, pink and white look which can be effective under bright-lights but doesn't look right by the sea.
 I wouldn't like to see you-wearing a heavier make-up or a tighter perm," I told her. .. Neither would be practical for a seaside holiday.
 “Wind and sea water would play havoc with a new perm, you'd have to give it a full scale set every night, or you'd have nothing but a shapeless frizz, And a make-up which is good for parties looks all wrong with holiday clothes. 
 "You see, Anne, when you plan your holiday hairstyle and make-up, you have to scrap most of your existing ideas and start again. 
 "You should aim for the casual, easy kind of prettiness that goes with gay, simple, clothes and doesn't look as though you'd spent hours on your face and hair before going out." 
A hairstyle that stays in place not because it's anchored with too many grips, but because it's shaped to stand a few sea breezes, A light, clear make-up that can't spoil because there isn't much of it-just a transparent film for a fresh, lively skin." 
Facing new ideas
  Anne was worried at first; said that short hair wouldn't suit her because her face needed something to frame it; that her skin simply wasn't good enough to face the sunlight alone. 
 "Let's see it," I suggested, I watched Anne take off her make-up and discovered, as I'd suspected, that her way of doing this vital beauty job was extremely casual. 
 Every day for quite some time, she'd been leaving behind just enough make-up and grime to clog her pores, those tiny trouble makers that, in her case, were no longer tiny. 
 I showed her how to use a creamy liquid cleanser. Two applications, each removed with fresh cotton wool, then a final cleansing with soap and water. And, to cope with the open pore situation, a pore cream to use each night, 
 "Get your skin into a good, lively condition," I told her. "Whip up the circulation with a very soft scrubbing brush when you wash. Don't let up for a minute on your cleansing routine, and you'll soon be able to wear the minimum of make-up and look wonderfully pretty." 
 For the beach, I suggested a light-weight tinted cream or cake foundation worn without powder, This gives a beautifully natural outdoor look, but lends a pretty tint to the skin. A bright lipstick is the only other cosmetic that's necessary or appropriate. 
 Anne's a blonde, so I suggested that she use an eyelash dye before her holiday, then forget all about mascara, 

 Next we tackled the hairstyle question. Anne felt more confident now; more ready to change her ideas,  She was beginning to realize that the best beauty effects aren't the most elaborate. 

 I sketched for Anne a short hairstyle (our model wears it  the picture) which, though the hair is cut to four inches all over the head, frames the face just as prettily as a longer style. 

Brush into shape 

 “Have a very light perm soon," I suggested. Or, if your hair gets frizzy easily, just plan to pop your hair in pin curls each night, It's quickly done when your hair’s so short and a few big pin curls will brush, yes, I did say brush, out into the nicest, most natural shape," Anne was delighted with her new style, .. 

 “I see now," she said, “that I've been going to a lot of trouble for nothing. My old style did look terribly over elaborate, didn't it? This is so much prettier. It's cleverer to look as though you just hadn't bothered beyond running a comb through your hair." 
 “Much cleverer," I agreed, "As long as you have learned to bother at the planning stage."  
Simple make-up and hairstyle become the holiday girl. Sit down to pin up your curls, resting elbows comfortably. Prop up a mirror in front and your arms won't ache at all!

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