Friday 4 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 33

 Your Other Love 
continued on page 35
June Treasure
All the serenity of an English summer is captured in this glowing scene, photographed for you by H. A. Summers

 A bouquet of fresh ideas and thoughts for the month of roses 

1. Be as fresh and fragrant as the roses of June by wearing a delicate flower perfume this month 

2. A pleated skirt worn with a close fitting long sweater clipped at the hip line with a brooch will give you the new A-look 
3. If your shaggy dog hasn't been trimmed already, now is the time to give him his summer hair-do
4. Although the garden’s at its best. Hoeing and weeding must not rest 
5. Sunday
So long as we can lose any happiness, we possess some.  Booth Tarkington
6. Add a tablespoon of, D.D.T. to the water used for wiping down window-sills and paintwork. It helps to keep the flies away . 
7. It's snapshot time again, and for silhouettes against cloud formation fix a yellow filter to the camera and give a double exposure 
8. Last year's princess frock can be brought right up to date if you wear a belt round the hips, fastened into position with press studs 
9. Amid the booming of the guns, and the pomp of the Horse Guards' Parade the Queen will celebrate her official birthday 
10. Another Royal birthday, but this time a private festivity, when the Duke of Edinburgh celebrates his thirty-fourth, with his wife and family, and a nation's good wishes 
 11. The answer to a cyclist's prayer-non-corrosive lamp batteries are at last on the market, price 2s. (about 28 cents) and 81/2d. (about 10 cents ) according to size.

12. Sunday
Just the light-hearted melodies to be listened to out of doors this warm weather are played with inimitable charm by Charlie Kunz: on Decca. F. I0441 
13. When you launder a circular skirt, remember to iron upwards to the waist from the hem-never round the edge 

14. Lovely Ursula Thiess, wife of Robert Taylor, dressed up her plain maternity smock with a huge check taffeta scarf tied in a bow at the neck, with the ends falling below her waist . 

15. To ensure a heavy and healthy crop of rhododendron blossoms next year, you should remove this year's faded flowers before the seed forms 
16. Dry mustard rubbed well into chops or steak before grilling gives the meat a delicious flavour 
17. For a light summer make-up, the powder-plus- cream discs are ideal 
18. When toddlers have a lunch time rest. All afternoon they're full of zest 
19. Sunday
This month we have chosen for you a delightful novel of character and detection. Miss Caiman deals with her characters with a penetrating eye, and running through this clever novel is a charming love story. Ideal for summer deck chair reading. (Long Shadows, by Joanna Cannan, Victor Gollancz, 9s. 6d.) (about $1.33)?

20. The dust will fly in dry weather but you can remove every speck from dark suits and coats by winding transparent adhesive tape, sticky side out, round your hand to brush clothes 
21. A big pussy-cat ribbon bow perched among your curls is America's summer hat suggestion this year 

22. On fine warm days caged birds like to be placed on the-lawn with the bottom tray of the cage removed, but make sure no cats are about 

23. Betty Grable's lightweight coat has beads stitched in a leaf pattern on the collar and cuffs 
24. Sun-tanned babies are fit and well. But sunburn only makes them yell 
25. Now is the time to give your bicycle its summer overhaul. Check on brake blocks, chain tension and tires if you want trouble-free runs 
26. Sunday 
A useful seaside companion is a tin of talc. Sprinkled on damp, sandy feet, it makes the grit easy to remove and stockings slip on comfortably 
27. When balmy breezes blow, look neat and sweet in a white tubular cap knitted in two plain, two purl, rib for eight inches, and tied with a bright ribbon bow two inches from the top 
28. Meals need piquancy rather than substance now. Try onions, tomatoes and green peppers chopped and cooked in a little margarine in the oven, as a vegetable 
29. Two pretty little girls are very proud of their circular grey linen skirts, appliqued with linen oranges and lemons, which their mother, Deborah Kerr, chose for them 
30. Roses in a pudding basin standing in a shopping basket make a beautifully rustic flower decoration

The average price of a new home then was $10950 about 2.65 times the yearly average wage of $4130. Which was about 2.17 times the price of a new car $1900. And the future was progressive not regressive

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