Friday 4 January 2013

Woman May 28 1955 Page 34

They double up for Double Rich Carnation
"This whipped Carnation is simply super!" Children and grown-ups adore the luscious, full cream flavour of double rich Carnation.
Carnation is pure, full cream milk concentrated to double richness, with Sunshine Vitamin D* increased. Whipped or poured, it's wonderful with fruit, sweets or cereals.
*Not less than 33 International Units per fluid ounce.
To make sure of enjoying this delicious, full cream double richness, look for the red and white Carnation can, always' say “Carnation, please!”
Full cream
Carnation Milk
Fine ingredients make fine flavours, says the Cookery Experts!
These delicious flavours:
MEAT: Beef, Beef & Tongue, Chicken, Chicken & Ham, Ham, Ham & Beef, Liver & Bacon, Steak & Kidney, Tongue, Veal & Ham.
FISH: Anchovy, Bloater, Crab, Crab & Lobster, Kipper, Lobster, Pilchard & Tomato, Salmon & Anchovy, Salmon & Shrimp, Sardine & Tomato, Smoked Haddock.
91/2d (about 11 cents) ALSO LARGE ECONOMY SIZE 1/2 (about 16 cents)

Success Every Time !
They’ll all vote this Lemon Merinque the best ever!
No more failures...
With Royal Lemon Pie Filling you'u make a perfect pie every time! With the lightest, most luscious filling ever. You can't possible go wrong! There's no squeezing or grating of lemons, no-mess nor fuss. It’s done in a flash! Royal Lemon Pie Filling costs only 81/2d. 
(about 10 cents)?a packet. You can't afford to miss it. 
Lots of exciting recipes in”A Royal Treat Ahead,” . Send to Dept. H. Standard Brands. Liverpool 9.
The average price of a new home then was $10950 about 2.65 times the yearly average wage of $4130. Which was about 2.17 times the price of a new car $1900. Today?

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