Friday 22 February 2013

Woman November 28 1959 Page 50

Shopping for your dog
 Table scraps are not enough. Even the best meat is not enough. Every dog needs many essential vitamins and minerals to keep him fit and happy. 
 That's the advice of all leading dog experts. And they'll tell you the best and surest way to give your dog all the 'extras' he needs is to feed him Winalot dog meal. That's because Winalot contains carbohydrates for energy, protiens to rebuild body tissues, minerals for healthy bones and teeth, and active vitamins to fight disease, in properly balanced proportions. Winalot is a wonderfully nourishing wheatmeal food and dogs love it mixed with meat, fish or fresh green vegetable scraps. It's the foundation of every meal. Buy Winalot for your dog today.
Send for a free copy of "Your Dog", a handy fully illustrated 42-page book. It's packed with interesting and useful advice on the training, health and management of your dog. Write to Spillers Limited, Dept. G4, 40 St. Mary Axe, London EC3.
"ten years old, still young and alert."  
"My ten year old Alsatian, 'Lusonie Caspar' keeps wonderfully fit and active", writes Mrs. J. Ladell of North Mimms, Herta. "He still works as a trained dog in obedience competitions. I have always fed him some Winalot every day mixed with his scraps and this diet has certainly kept him young and alert."
Make every meal a complete meal with
SPlLLERS Winalot Every dog's wheatmeal food.
*For his biscuits, get SPILLERS SHAPES. They're packed with nourishment
why is she fretful?
she may be be short of glucose .
 WHY, are active, intelligent children apt to tire so quickly/ Is it because they don't eat enough? Have they naturally small appetites?
It isn't entirely a question of mealtime appetites. What is even more important is the child's limited capacity for storing glucose, a vital source of energy  That's why children tire quickly, they need glucose more often.
  WHAT is the best way to give glucose? Is Lucozade recommended because it has liquid glucose in it? Why Lucozade particularly?
The remarkable thing about Lucozade is its wonderful flavour, so refreshing. What's more, neither children (nor adults) ever seem to tire of it. However small her appetite, a child can absorb plenty of energising glucose in Lucozade.
  IS there any advantage in giving Lucozade to children well before they show any signs of tiredness, before they become fretful and "difficult"?
By not letting the body's reserves of glucose fall below a healthy level you safeguard a child's energy and high spirits. Many people drink Lucozade regularly after having had it in hospital or nursing home.
replaces lost energy 

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