Friday 22 February 2013

Woman November 28 1959 Page 51

Suedette jacket has cosy wool lining, is shower proof, and costs £6 6s (about $16.86 )?
Colour choice: tan, olive, mushroom, red or blue
Edith Blair, home editor, shows the way to care for suede and leather jackets and the new suede-type, too
SUEDETTE OR SUEDE-TYPE fabrics, the waterproof sort, have a rubber base, which spotting fluids would dissolve. So wash them very gently in warm soapy lather (not detergents), in the sink or bath, where there’s plenty of room and the jacket won't wrinkle. Rinse well, and hang, still dripping, on the line to dry. For oil marks spread on french chalk, wait till the chalk is discoloured then brush it off, repeat process, if necessary.
 Suede should have a regular brushing with a sponge foam brush to keep it free from grubbiness. It should also have an occasional going over with a suede cleaner, the kind used for suede shoes.
 Leather Coats and Jackets can be sponged with a special leather soap, you' buy it at most shoe shops. Only a small area should be cleaned at a time, and the lather continually wiped off with another cloth wrung out in clean water.
 Leather Gloves that are sold as washable can be washed on the hand in warm, soapy lather. Rinse in lukewarm water, unless they're doeskin or chamois. These are rinsed in soapy water. Gloves are patted on a towel, left to dry naturally and tried on two or three times while they're drying. This helps them regain their shape and suppleness.
Don'ts to remember
 Don try to hurry up the drying of leather that's been out in a downpour. Wipe it and let it dry naturally, right away from the fire. 
 Don't clean any leather with spotting fluids, nor by washing with detergents. This could possibly make them porous and might disturb the colour.
 Do-It-yourself silicone treatment makes leather coats and shoes water-repellent. Especially useful for suede shoes, no danger of colour running if you should be caught in the rain. On handbags, it'll prevent the leather getting stained. Price is 5s. 6d. (about 77 cents)? a bottle, enough for two pairs of shoes.
Suede cleaner for shoes and jackets is of the soft "eraser" type, rubs itself away as it cleans, and at the same time restores the colour of the suede. Big choice of colours. Price is 3s. 11d (about 55 cents)?
EDITH BLAIR tests and tells
Beauty hints from Julie Andrews
How to give your hair shining, flashing beauty
brush for one minute with VITAPOINTE
 "Before I used Vitapointe I was often discontented with my hair. Not now. After just one minute’s brushing with this fabulous cream, my hair has a wonderfully healthy shine, and it's completely manageable"
 Take a tip from enchanting star Julie Andrews. Dress your hair regularly with the tiniest amount of Vitapointe of Paris. See how, after only one minute's brushing, every single strand awakes to shining, flashing beauty, It conditions your hair even if it has become dry, dull, mousey or frizzy,  even if it has suffered through illness, too much sun, wind or sea air. Vitapointe acts like sebum, the natural nourishment of the hair.
 Vitapointe softens, strengthens, brightens. It renders your hair completely manageable, encourages curls and makes setting easier. It actually preserves a perm. No need to shampoo first or rinse afterwards. Get your Vitapointe from chemist, hairdresser or store, without delay, Now only 3/2d. (about 44 cents)?one tube guarantees perfect grooming and shining beauty for at least two months.
Dressing and Conditioning Cream for the hair

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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