Tuesday 19 February 2013

Woman November 28 1959 Page 56

Here's new QUEEN'S VELVET  
the writing paper that's , velvet-smooth both sides 
DO YOU LIKE A SMOOTH, smooth writing surface for your letters? Then you'll like new Queen's Velvet twice as much-it's velvet-smooth both sides. 
 That's because Queen's Velvet is made by a special twin-ply process in which two identical sheets of paper are combined in manufacture to give you a smooth, perfect writing surface either side. 
People judge, you by the paper you write on so they'll be quick to appreciate the compliment of a letter on new Queen's Velvet. See distinctive new Queen's Velvet at stationers everywhere. Writing pads cost only 1/6d. (about 21 cents)?, envelopes 1/- (about 14 cents)? and 1/3d. (about 18 cents)? a packet.
New! Seal-easi envelopes
 There's a choice of  envelopes with new Queen's Velvet, gummed, 1/- (about 14 cents)?, and, Seal-easi at 1/3d. (about 18 cents)?,  the envelopes you don't need to lick. Just press down the flaps and they seal themselves! Wrapped in dust proof transparent film.

NEW QUEEN”S VELVET A John Dickinson Product
A recovery quick recovery with Bengers 
Mrs. E. Barker of Stone, Staffordshire, writes: 
 "Twelve months ago my husband was ill with Asian flu. Seeing that he could not eat or drink very much I bought a tin of Bengers Food. The result being, he not only liked it but got some good sound sleep. Anyway, he made a very quick recovery after that, I thought I must write and give some praise where it is due".
What's special about Bengers?
 To begin with, it's a nourishing, cheerful drink that you'll like to take all the year round. Bengers does everyone good. If you feel on top of the world, you'll enjoy the extra sense of well being that Bengers gives you. If you're under the weather you'll appreciate a smooth, bland drink that soothes your nerves. and prepares you for deep refreshing sleep.
 When you've taken Bengers you've taken all the natural goodness of wheat and milk. Bengers is a predigested drink containing amylase and trypsin, two of the essential agents that your body needs to restore its health. That's why you have to take care in making Bengers. You pour on the hot milk and let it stand for a few moments.That allows the amylase and trypsin time to produce the smooth pleasant drink that helps your mind and body to recuperate. Bengers makes you feel better, almost at once. Why not begin the Bengers habit now.
 BENGERS a cupful of milk and wheat goodness with amylase and trypsin to rest your digestion. 3/- (about 42 cents)?, 5/3 (about 74 cents)? and 9/6 (about $1.33)? a tin

HERE COMES THE GUESTS, and the hostess is, sure to collect compliments on her table setting. The linen cloth is dazzling white, the china has been lovingly washed, the fine, crystal brightened to a diamond sparkle, all with Parozone. 
Unruffled in her Lion nylon hair net
Available at hairdressers, chemists, stores and drapers.


The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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