Monday 18 February 2013

Woman November 28 1959 Page 57

 Mary Bravender
 continued on page 59
Some people despise
 The things money buys:
Not everyone cares
 For outsize solitaires:
Gems don't keep out the cold
 And you cannot eat gold.

 But a windfall of leisure-
 Now, THERE is a pleasure!
A break in routine
 Is a gift for a queen.
Most people could do
 With a day-dream or two,
 And who couldn't use.
 A delightful small snooze?
My wife says that Hovis cuts so well and that there isn’t any waste. There may be something in that, but if you, ask me she just loves the taste of it. So do I.
Now, when your throat must endure
You need the sure protection of 'Savlon' Antiseptic Lozenges. They destroy harmful germs without upsetting delicate tissue, and give speedy relief to a painful throat. Suck a soothing 'Savlon' Lozenge to resist winter infections.
(about 34 cents)? for 'Savlon' Lozenge is money sensibly spent. From your chemist.
SAVLON antiseptic lozenges ® 

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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