Friday 1 February 2013

Woman November 28 1959 Page 75

for the week beginning November 28 1955
SUN SUBJECTS (July 21-August 21)
ROMANCE AND FRIENDSHIP An unexpectedly lucky and satisfying friend will play an active part in the week's arrangements. Travel makes an exciting end of week plans. A letter will bring an exciting invitation for the teenager.
MONEY PROSPECTS You may be tempted to spend more than you can afford otherwise an easy running week. You may come up against some opposition to a future plan. Surprise luck in the middle of the week. Someone in authority will give you a helpful hint.
HOME LIFE An energetic week, with several compliments to please the housewife. An ambitious move will be a success. Be extra careful with health. An older woman will prove a tower of strength in one matter. A weekend idea pays off.
MOON SUBJECTS (June 21-July 21)
ROMANCE AND FRIENDSHIP Particularly warm display of goodwill from friends. Busy time ahead socially, with an exciting midweek date as the highlight. Need for handling a husband or boy friend with extra tact and patience.
MONEY PROSPECTS Leave an important decision until you feel able to think more clearly. Later a minor problem may crop up and will require handling with discretion. The business girl can expect an increase. There should be something left over for a luxury buy.
HOME LIFE Routine chores will keep the housewife extra busy, A partner will be more than usually ready to help and sympathize. A slight misunderstanding with a neighbour can soon be ironed out. An unusual idea for the home.
MERCURY SUBJECTS (May 21-June 20;August 22-September 22)
ROMANCE AND FRIENDSHIP Friendships and a romantic affair may not mix. It will be better to devote your time to one or the other this week. A chance visitor will be a disturbing influence. A letter could bring a surprise.
MONEY PROSPECTS Working arrangements should be to your advantage. A family enterprise calls for extra cash. Do not leave a financial arrangement to chance. Take full advantage of, an opportunity offered. The housewife will spend more than usual on shopping.
HOME LIFE An artistic idea will be well received. Children generally will be easier to handle. A previous difficulty can now be overcome. The enterprising housewife can win herself special praise.
VENUS SUBJECTS (April 21-May 20; September 23-October 22)
ROMANCE AND FRIENDSHIP A romantic attachment lacks permanency at the moment. Helpful advice  from a friend of the opposite sex. A forthcoming arrangement arouses general enthusiasm. A short trip may be necessary.
MONEY PROSPECTS A shortage of cash midweek will make you impatient and anxious to rebuild your reserves. An idea can be followed through with satisfactory results.  An extra item to be purchased on Saturday.
HOME LIFE A pleasant working week for the housewife. Listen to family opinion when considering a domestic change. You may have to give way over something in order to keep the peace. Ingenuity called for in a weekend arrangement.
MARS SUBJECTS (March 21-April 20; October 23-November 22)
ROMANCE AND FRIENDSHIP An optimistic time. Concentrate on enjoying yourself to the full, but be discriminating in your choice of activities. A weekend meeting gives much pleasure.
MONEY PROSPECTS Quick thinking will help advert an unnecessary expense. A minor mishap will need careful handling. Good fortune will enable you to add to your savings. Important shopping should be finished by midweek.
HOME LIFE Imagination can help cut down routine jobs. One particular plan will move ahead very quickly. Certain news will make you happy about the future. A change at short notice may be irritating.
JUPITER SUBJECTS (November 23-December 20; February 19-March 20)
ROMANCE AND FRIENDSHIP Unusual circumstance may bring about a meeting with someone excitingly different.  

Gay social life for the teenager, 
A girl friend may surprise you. You will feel determined to do something out of the ordinary.
MONEY PROSPECTS Monday a good day for arranging a sale. Extra cash may not be too readily available, so avoid extravagance. Good time for a change round. Wednesday favourable for shopping.
HOME LIFE A member of the family will require tactful handling. Restrain. impatience over a job that won't go right and look for an alternative method. The older woman will have a pleasant time with extra help from the family.
SATURN AND URANUS SUBJECTS (December 21-January 19; January 20-February 18)
ROMANCE AND FRIENDSHIP A surprise letter leads to an appointment. You will be excited about a friend's proposal. Keep clear of people and places you dislike. Surprise reappearance of an old admirer:
MONEY PROSPECTS Make the most of a chance contact with a superior. Endeavour to settle a bill promptly. Someone will be extra generous. Unfavourable time for finalizing a financial agreement.
HOME LIFE A minor disturbance may mean an arrangement is postponed. The rest of the week runs smoothly. A surprise for the housewife.
Night time warth to ease the strains of the day

Warmaweave Sheets give maximum warth without weight and yet allow free circulation of air around the body whilst retaining all the body warmth.  A boon indeed to all sufferers from RHEUMATISM and other MUSCULAR COMPLAINTS, giving the comfort which is so necessary to undisturbed rest. They give constant cozy warmth in winter and cool comfort in the height of summer. Warmaweave Sheets are woven from the world’s finest cottons and BRUSHED into a wonderfully light, fleecy raised fabric. Never were sheets more beautifully warm
in your choice of dazzling white or four superb colours
70 " x 100 " - 24/11d. EACH (about $3.49)?
80 " x 100 " - 29/11d. EACH (about $4.19)?
90 " x 100 " - 34/11d. EACH (about $4.89)?
Printed in Great Britain by Odhams (Watford) Ltd., and published by Odhams Press Ltd., Long Acre, London, W,C.2. Registered for transmission by Canadian Magazine Post. Postage on single copies: Inland, 6d. (about 7 cents); Abroad, 41/2d. (about 5 cents)?; Canada, 11/2d. (about 2 cents )?.  Conditions of Sale: This periodical shall not. without the written consent of the publishers, be lent, resold or hired out except at the selling price as shown on the cover, or otherwise disposed of in any unauthorized cover by way of Trade; or affixed to or as part of any publication or advertising, literary or pictorial matter whatsoever. 

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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