Tuesday 12 March 2013

Woman November 28 1959 Page 25

Christmas is the time when kinds hearts overflow with a longing to extend happiness beyond the family circle. Here are some suggestions by EDITH BLAIR, home editor, to help you to help others
Concentrate on the smaller children's hospitals if you want to send presents to the sick, the large or famous ones are often swamped. Cuddly toys, train sets, Christmas annuals are firm favourites. Older patients welcome books, fruit, sweets and flowers.
 Can't afford a present? Then you may still be able to help with voluntary light duties (not clerical work) taking round a library trolley or ward trolley with magazines, sweets and soap, while the" regulars" have some time with their folks Some hospitals permit people with a flair to decorate wards.
 Gifts of clothing (clean and in good condition) money too, go down well here. We're told, the tiny children are sent plenty of toys; but the teenagers are often overlooked. For the girls? Pretty undies, stockings, talc. The boys? Ties, gloves, pens, construction sets. In fact, the kind of thing any teenager loves. Wondering if it's possible to have a child from a home to visit you for Christmas? It's a good idea, says a home official, but only if you have already made friends with the child through the uncles and aunts scheme.
This parentless teenager may never know who gave her such pleasure, but IT COULD BE YOU!
 A small fixed income doesn't allow for extras, so it's a good idea to fill an attractive basket with sweets, tobacco, groceries, and let the local old age pensioners' or Darby and Joan clubs pass the gift to the right quarter. (Addresses of, these can be had from your local WelfareOfficer.)
 Include small tins or packets of food, so that contents can be eaten up while still fresh (pensioners rarely have fridges). It's possible that the elderly folks you know would prefer your company, now and then, to gifts, specially if they live alone and see few people all day.
 as we have mentioned before, to buy your Christmas cards and seals from a charitable organization. The Save the Children Fund, 9 Motcomb Street, London, S.W.1, is one, but if you'd like names of others, please send a stamped addressed envelope to the address on page 3.

 A lollipop basket gets a big thank you from a child. Fill a toy basket with candies and stud with lollipops on sticks; trim with paper tassels and finish by tying with silver ribbon
 Christmas decoration plus rings the bell with teenagers. Two holly-decked bells are tied together with ribbon; each holds an ear-ring (tissue-wrapped and taped to the clapper). Bells are 71/2d.  each 
(about 9 cents)? 
 The gift for hospital patients, elderly folk too, a woolly in a basket that's complete but for the knitting! Comes in three sizes 34, 36 and 38 and three designs. Price from 33s 
(about $4.64)? 
Empty basket is splendid to use afterwards for bringing rolls to the table or as a sewing basket 
NEXT WEEK: Decorations  

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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