Monday 31 December 2012

Woman May 28 1955 Page 51

click The Sunday Mouse for the full story
or continued on page 53
 After the fretful day, when peace descends to spread a cover on the dreams we keep, Safe in each other's trust like old, old friends, We sleep. 
by Eleanor Graham Vance
She didn't bring her friends home. Why?'
 "Jenny, not even a birthday party? Surely you’d like that, with a lovely cake, and games, and all your friends here?"
Jenny hung her head. "No, thank you Mummy, it's awfully sweet of you, but I don't want a party. Do you mind if I go out now? 'Mandy's waiting for me. . ." -
What was it? What was wrong ? Jennifer's mother felt as though there was a kind of invisible wall between her and the little daughter she loved so much. At least that was how she put it to Elizabeth, her oldest friend, who had a daughter about Jenny's age. Perhaps because Elizabeth was such an old friend she spoke very honestly.
 "Do you think, Joan " she said, "that it might be something to do with the house? Children do notice things, and they have very sharp senses, Do forgive me for saying so but, I have sometimes thought that your house isn’t as fresh as it should be.
 "I know you keep it clean but germs and .smells, collect even in the cleanest houses unless you  regularly use a really good disinfectant to purify the sink and   drains and places like that ZAL, now, kills germs at once.
 "I always use ZAL myself because, besides being such a marvelously efficient disinfectant, it’s gat such a heavenly scent, the scent of real pines. Do try it and do forgive me, but you did ask for advice, you-know, and ZAL is the very beat advice I know!" 
 Joan's a busy mother these days, as well as a happy one. Jenny brings someone home to tea often  now. And then there's the birthday party next week.
 " Honestly, Mummy" said Jennifer, It’s going to be the best party ever! I can't think why I said I didn't want one, I must have been barmy. And, Mummy can Mandy come to stay the night at half term? She's longing, to say it’s the nicest house she's ever been in!"
 Jennifer's getting her way, of course! And her mother is getting ZAL.
ZAL is the DISINFECTANT that kills germs.
ZAL has the freshness of real pines.
If you ever have a doubt, don’t hesitate fresh, fresh, freshen your house with ZAL.

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