Tuesday 19 March 2013

Woman November 28 1959 Page 10/11


 Our office get-together produced bright ideas for really sure-to-please presents this year based on last year's successes VERONICA SCOTT FASHION EDITOR CHOSEN FOR FASHION 
  Last year Sheila was given the wool to make a sweater, caught a cold, so she'd have liked to sit by the fire and knit on Boxing Day, but she had no pattern. This year, she's giving wool, needles and pattern. Splendid choice would be our festive button-through on page 23
 Carmel gave several fluffy mohair stoles last year. She's cross that not all lucky recipients took proper washing precautions. This year's giver could include a bottle of special woolly shampoo (2s. 6d.) (about 35 cents)? or a trusted favourite washing powder and so be on the safe side 
 Peggy's pleated skirt (from Father) and plain white jersey (from young cousins) looked lovely, but didn't have too long a life. This year there's a wide choice of really permanently pleated skirts, and tops in some of the newer man-made fibres can really stand the pace 
The plain plastic mac tucked in her Christmas stocking seemed dull, but Sylvia claims it won its spurs by protecting her good clothes. This year's plastic, macs do the same job, and are SO pretty. Like this black and white print, left (22s. 11d.)(about $3.22)?; the green, centre, for 25s. (about $3.51)? (this comes in rose, lilac, white or blue) or the midnight blue on white, right (26s. 11d) (about $3.78)? Weatherproof and very wearable 
 Marian, sixteen, had her first pair of tapered slacks last Christmas. Says they made her grow up, by demanding good grooming and poise! This year's lucky teenager has a wider choice than ever, even to a riot of roses (four different colour combinations, in washable needlecord). They cost 49s. 11d. (about $7.01)?

Are stockings, hankies, undies ("musts" anyway) good presents? Veronica Scott says yes if, they have that little extra that makes them the 

   Stockings dull? Not if they're the right colour, size and brand (shows you care); if she's on a strict budget (they're as good as a windfall); if she's "hard on" stockings and your gift introduces her to a really long-life, non-snagging variety (14s. 11d. (about $2.10)? for 15 denier, 17s. 11d.(about $2.52)? for sheer 9 denier).  No one wants hankies? NONSENSE! Mothers and aunts love luxury ones (they have an air of gracious living). Teenagers love dainty ones (makes them feel feminine). And men who tinker with engines like khaki or dark blue (guess why!). Slippers again? Ring the changes by giving neat jersey flat ties (in lovely choice of colours) with sturdy rubber soles, for 17s. 11d. (about $2.52)?. Smarter and more serviceable than fluffy mules. Giving pretty undies? Embroider a tiny initial. Add a lavender sachet to keep them fragrant, or a transparent undie-pack. Sparkled up with thoughtful love, practical presents are tops 
  A roomy shopping basket for Mum was appreciated last Christmas. This year, Laurie plans to go one better for Aunt Joan, by adding plastic lining (bewildering choice, from 2s. 11d. (about 41 cents)? a yd.) to her gift basket. Means that meat and fish can do their worst; come summer, this basket will take a holiday job as beach or picnic basket, and will stand up to a wet swim suit or leaky lemonade bottles. Be careful to choose a shape that lends itself easily to lining
  Norrice wanted a made-to-measure dressmaker's dummy, but the price said NO. This year she and her sisters will club together for, a present to the family from the family, an adjustable model that means happy sewing for all the lucky shareholders. A wire mesh model, that is pressed into the actual shape of the user's body, and can be altered to fit girls with different measurements, as needed, complete with stand and jersey cover, costs £7 19s. 6d. (about $22.41) Fathers with lots of daughters, please note
  Christmas 1958 brought Diana a candlewick housecoat, and what a friend it has proved. Now, as well as ready-mades (this one, right, is only 55s. (about $7.73)? you can buy this good-tempered material by the yard-12s. 11d. (about $1.81)? 48 in. wide, in gorgeous colours. Lovely present for someone special would be enough material to cover cushion or divan and make a housecoat, too, to give her and her room that matching look
  Pat comes to work on a scooter, and she has her eye on a plastic jacket (20s. (about $2.81)? and skirt (10s. (about $1.41)? that are really white (not just no-colour) to go over normal clothes. And, of course, a crash helmet (£2 17s. 6d. (about $8.08)? for this efficient one) is a thing that no safety minded scooter girl can be without
  Another thing she's after is scooter mitts. Last year's woolly gloves are looking tired and thin, and Pat has seen some lovely new mitts , (suedette, lambs wool lined, for only I5s. 11d. (about $2.81)?. They come in heart and hand warming red, or tan, beaver, green, or blue. Good value, because warm hands make for efficient driving (frozen fingers don't!)

  Belts are good presents (they can do so much for an outfit) but prices can be a nasty shock. That's the reason for WOMAN Special Pattern No. 118, which gives instructions for five really waist-worthy belts. Pattern costs 9d. (about 11 cents)?, post free, comes in waist sizes 26 and 29 in. (but can be adapted to fit sizes from 24 to 27, and 28 to 30 in. ) This is a case where making it yourself means getting more (very much more) value for your money.
Bejewelled satin evening belt
Straight belt shaped at back
Left: boned suedette cummerbund
Bow-tied sash, right, with fringed ends
Curved classic belt 

The average price of a new home then was $12400 about 2.48 times the yearly average wage of $5010. Which was about 2.28 times the price of a new car $2200. Today?

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